Saturday, July 31, 2010

What is a job that all you do is just give people advice on how to solve problems?

That does not have to do with psycology and where you get paid well. Can you be a Freelance Consultant without having an extra degree?What is a job that all you do is just give people advice on how to solve problems?
That's the job of a consultant. And you don't have to have a degree. A lot of experience in a particular field is preferable. Of course school work is valuable too, but actual work experience is better than book learning alone. You are selling advice. If it's good advice, you'll succeed. If not, you won't. The number of degrees you have won't make a difference. The advice you provide will.

With real world experience, you can say, well, the textbooks will tell you this, but actual experience will tell you this. And I've been there, I have actual experience, and I'm advising you to follow this path rather than that one. Here are a couple of real life examples to illustrate the value of what I'm advising you to do. . .What is a job that all you do is just give people advice on how to solve problems?
You're welcome. Thanks for the BA points.

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a DJ on a radio..

I am entering an eating competition soon does anyone have any advice of how to eat a lot quickly?

To be more specific it is the first of ten people to finish three foot long subways. Thanks for your help in advance.I am entering an eating competition soon does anyone have any advice of how to eat a lot quickly?
Eat before the contest. Starving oneself is unhealthy for the body, so eat light meals up until the contest.

Try to exercise regularly before the contest

Prior to the contest, consume as few liquids (water, soda, alcoholic beverages, etc.) as possible. This will only fill the stomach, creating less room for food.

To win an eating contest you need to stretch your stomach to fit more food in it more easily. The best way to stretch your stomach is to eat lettuce. It is mostly water and takes more calories to digest than it carries, so all it really does is stretch the stomach. In time, it's possible to eat three to four heads of lettuce in one sitting.

Also, boiled cabbage is equally good. Many professionals often go on a three or four day diet of nothing but cabbage as the gases in cabbage expand the stomach.

There is also a little-known technique to make more room in the stomach. After eating, when you begin to feel slightly full, stand up and wiggle your hips from side to side for 5-10 seconds. This makes the food go down your esophagus faster and squashes it up in your stomach.

If you're eating anything with bread, try dipping it in water first. It sounds strange, but it works! It makes the bread and anything else on it easier to eat, swallow, and digest.I am entering an eating competition soon does anyone have any advice of how to eat a lot quickly?
Advice: Don't choke and die.

I seriously doubt the prize for winning outweighs the possibility of death.
dont do it

Advice on how to deal with boyfriend problems?

My boyfriend has more experience with relationships than I do. He's done stuff with girls that I've never done with guys. It makes me disappointed that when we kiss and do stuff together, I know that he's already done it before. Should I get over it, or do I have a good reason to cry at night sometimes? Advice on how to deal with boyfriend problems?
Don't worry about it at all. I'm a virgin and my boyfriend is not. I know how awkward or intimidated you feel because you haven't entered that ';uncharted territory'; before. it's perfectly normal to feel upset, but dont let it get to you. just know that if it was meant to work between him and last girls then he would still be with them but he chooses to be with you and thats all that matter. =]Advice on how to deal with boyfriend problems?
me and my bf have been dating for over 8 to 9 months and hes more experienced than i am just dont worry about i try not to but sometimes you just have to forget about it and move on.

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im on the opposite side of you. im my boyfriends first girlfriend, but i've had plenty before him and i feel terrible. i know for Tyler, my boyfriend, he's definetaly not happy, and he too has admited to crying because of it. he can't imagine someone else holding me, or kissing me the way he does. i think that the problem now is not your boyfriends previous relationships, but the one he's in now, with you. is he someone you could spend the rest of your life with? is he someone you could trust to never do anything with girls, except for you as long as you together? if you two are meant for each other, you will definatly be able to get over the fact that he has a past and focus on the future you two have together.
i guess it depends how far he's gone with another girl.

i know how you feel tho. when me and my boyfriend first got together, i thought that he had more experience than me. but it turned out that he really didn't. his (very jealous) ex-girlfriend made up a bunch of stories to tell me, to try to get him back. and she still makes up stories about me %26amp; him.

but what i'm trying to say is...don't feel bad, cause the past is the past. what's done is done. and if he's with you now, that's all that really matters. right?
I think you should totally get over it and find something exciting and new that maybe neither one of you has done before to blow his mind!!
get over it;

or break up, date some other guys, get some experience, and get back together with him to make yourself feel good.

which choice seems more sane?

Advice on how to get rid of darkness under my arms?

I am african American and my underarms are dark. It looks like I dont shave but I ashave and there is no hair their. I cant wear tank tops and It is really embarrasing. What can I do to make the color even out to the same color as the rest of my body?Advice on how to get rid of darkness under my arms?
Ashy skin under your arms (or on elbows or knees) is basically dead skin buildup. It's not from shaving. Exfoliation is the key to getting rid of it!

Use a scrub or loofah on your armpits in the shower, then apply a lotion with hydroxy acids at bedtime. Creams with stronger acids (like those made for smoothing your feet) work well, but DON'T use them right after waxing or shaving - it'll sting like heck!

I really like the True Blue Spa cream called ';Heel of Approval,'; which is sold at Bath and Body Works. it has glycolic acid in it. Just rub a little on before bed and wake up to brighter-looking armpits!

Advice about how to quit my job on good terms while on leave of absence.?

I am currently on Maternity leave and I may not return to work. I may get another job or I may decide that I just don't want to go back to the hell hole. I want to be able o use this job as a reference later. What is the best way to approach this?Advice about how to quit my job on good terms while on leave of absence.?
It is not unusual for new mothers to choose not to return to a job after maternity leave, so may not be unexpected by your employer.

You should give them as much notice as possible. Someone is obviously covering your work while you are on leave, and they are legally obligated to hold a position for you (although I don't think it has to be your exact position.) With plenty of notice, they can make arrangements and not think of you as someone who left them short handed at the last minute.

I don't know what kind of work you do, but these days companies are very wary about giving references. Most HR departments will only confirm dates of employment and job title. They may/may not say whether you are eligible to be rehired.

These days employers may ask for personal references. You should have at least 3, (5 if possible) and try to make sure one is someone who has managed you in the past. It could even be the boss of your boss if you are on good terms. Include co-workers who know the quality of your work.Advice about how to quit my job on good terms while on leave of absence.?
When leaving a job you should always give a two week notice. Otherwise you may not get the good reference you want. I know you don't want to go back but you may want to stick it out for 2 more weeks.

You can tell them that you feel you need to give your notice because you want to be home with your baby. Or if you'd rather be truthful about the matter, sit and talk with your boss and let him/her know that you really just feel like you are in need of a change.
You need to go in and discuss your options with your current employer. I would tell them that I have decied that staying at home with my baby is a top priority now but that you would like to leave on good terms. I would ask for a letter of reference and tell them how much you enjoyed the opportunity that thye gave you (even if you did not enjoy it.) Never burn a bridge! Always be as nice as possible. I would not see why they would not understand and write you a letter of reference as long as you were a good employyee, which I am sure you were. Make sure though it is a face to face conversation before you turn in you notice in writing. I would also hand in my notice face to face as well as a thank you card for the time you were there. Politeness never hurts esp. when possibly wanting to mov eon to a different job and need reccomendations. Good Luck to you and your new baby!
I did the same thing. I decided to quit while on maternity leave. I just called them and told them that me and my husband have decided that it would be best for me to stay home with the baby right now. It may also be good for you to write a letter of resignation and try to make it sound as positive as you can.
Are you being paid for your leave?If so they may not take to kindly to you leaving with pay and then not returning at all. Best to just quit, people leave their jobs all the time. It is their own bad form if they do not give you a reference but if you approach them nicely and say it is something to do with the distance, or too many hours, have some legitimate excuse ready but do ask for a reference as you hand in your notice. Good luck!
Honestly, the best way to do it is to be very professional, very honest and tell them the truth. Let them know you've decided that your family life is a much bigger priority to you right now, and ask them for a letter of reference. If you've been a good employee and have had a good record with them, they should have no issues giving you a reference later on.

I'm in the same situation myself, so I feel for you.
Wait until your leave is up and take the baby in to show off. While you're there, have a talk with your supervisor/boss/HR let them know that you've decided to stay home for a while. Ask for a letter of reference while you're there if you think you might need it in case staying home doesn't work out financially.
Just tell them the truth. I replaced a young lady on materinity in my current job and that was 5 years ago. Just be honest. Tell them you want to take time to be with your little one. Who are they to say anything if maybe 3 months down the road they got a call for a reference of may be decided you needed the money, wanted a break........who knows. Not their business. But just be polite and don't burn bridges. Good Luck.
Let them know that you can see having a job at the present time will be too demanding with your new baby [congrats btw] but you would like no hard feelings

Does anyone have advice on how to begin a drama group/coaching practices?

I have almost no theatre background, so advice is wanted. I'm at the 7th %26amp; 8th grade level we have about 300 students. I'll probably have between 7 -25 members of this years drama students. We can do a production small skit for open house in September, one at end of first semester December (largest), and maybe one sometime in April.Does anyone have advice on how to begin a drama group/coaching practices?
Don't think to big. Try to keep the class to a maximum of 15 people.

Go to the library and find a book on theatre games. Use these games at the begining of your sesion.

Remember to do a physical warm up first to loosen everybody up.

Have every body act out different emotions.

Have them think of a colour and act how that colour makes you feel.

Think of a theame to base a number of skitts on instead of one big production.

To start the club up start with your friends and then put up poasters.

Drama is fun. Keep up the great work.
  • beauty products
  • Does anyone have advice on how to properly terminate someone?

    I am an administrator and I find myself having to let people go from time to time. It is my least favorite part of my job. I would really like so pointers on how to make it less ackward.Does anyone have advice on how to properly terminate someone?
    involuntary employee terminations usually come from: performance issue, violation of policy, financial reasons.

    performance issue: document each instances of poor performance. give the employee a verbal warning, then a written warning, then terminate if needed. keep it professional and say the reason for termination is that expectations are not being met.

    violation of policy: this is a no brainer. just terminate the employee and tell them why. the employee should know he/she violated a policy that warranted termination. don't feel bad about this. do you really want these types working for you?

    financial reasons: the toughest one of all. just explain the market/business conditions and offer to help in any way possible. offer letters of recommendation, etc.

    the key to all of this is to keep it professional. if you keep it professional, it will take away the weirdnessDoes anyone have advice on how to properly terminate someone?
    Just explain to them how hard is it for you. But really they should know, since you should be warning them or putting them on probation.
    I work for someone who does this pretty often and I often prepare termination letters.

    Firstly, don't wait until the end of the day in order to do it. It increases the person's resentment and just makes it generally unpleasant. Get it out of the way and be ';matter-of-fact'; about it. Put forward the reasons for termination up front. Do not express false sympathy or blame the decision on someone else, it just makes you look like a hypocrite. This does not mean that you should be inconsiderate. You do not have to be a jerk in order to get your point across (I'm sure you aren't).

    You should have all of the information the person will need with you including info about benefits, pay, leave accrued etc. Focus on any resources available to that person during their separation. The meeting should take place in a quiet area and should include just the two of you, unless you have fears for your safety. In that case, you should alert another co-worker about where you are going to be and with whom, just in case. It is also not a bad idea to rehearse the general direction of the meeting to anticipate any questions or concerns that might be raised. Also, you didn't mention this, but do you issue a termination letter? Most organizations do and it gives the person something to refer back to in case they forget any information you impart. It should include reasons for termination with specific rules broken and dates of occurence, any avenues of grievance available if appropriate etc.

    I sympathize with you- this is not an easy thing to do. The best thing you can do is to be up-front with the person and have as much information as possible available so that you won't have to say, ';I don't know'; or ';let me get back to you';. It is best to try for a clean break. Be considerate of the person's feelings and as much as possible, try to eliminate possible causes of embarassment, frustration etc. Hope this helps.

    I need some advice on how to take good pictures with a point-and-shoot camera?

    I just recently took up photography as a hobby and I don't have any of the advanced, fancy equipment yet (such as a $1000 camera). I only have my little Kodak HD 12mp camera that I got as a Christmas gift from my husband :) I wanna get good at taking pictures with my regular camera before I invest in a ';super camera';. Anyone have any tips?I need some advice on how to take good pictures with a point-and-shoot camera?
    First of all, you need to have an idea. The worst problem for most photographers is that they don't know what to shoot. Take a look around you - there's inspiration everywhere.

    Second, when you take the photo, make sure you don't leave in anything that you don't want in the picture. Photos can look awkward if you crop things out on the computer so it's best to do it while taking the photo.

    Third, you need good lighting. Flashes on cameras aren't great for taking natural looking photos and can make portraits look too harsh. Professional photographers usually use separate lighting for a nicer image. When you're just starting out and you don't have this kind of equipment, you can use natural daylight to take a good photo. The best natural light is early in the morning when the sun is coming up and late in the evening when it's setting. Of course, the kind of light you want depends on what you're shooting.

    The best advice I can give you though, is to have fun. People get too caught up in the 'rules' of photography but that's not what makes a good photo. You can follow all the rules perfectly but if you're not creative, the photo won't look as good as it could be. Just play around with ideas and eventually you'll start to see what works and what doesn't. Try signing up to a site like deviantart . com. There are hundreds of photographers on there, amateur and professional, all willing to give friendly and helpful critique :)I need some advice on how to take good pictures with a point-and-shoot camera?
    The beautiful thing about photography is great equipment does not make a great photographer. A point and shoot is a great way to hone skills that will help you further down the line.

    Think about composition first and foremost. Where do you like the subject in the frame? Why? Experiment with this.

    Also look the subject from different angles.

    If you are thinking in terms of natural light, different times of the day have a great impact on the feeling of the shot.

    Then after you have this sorted out, begin studying about the variables in photography... namely shutter speed and aperture. By this point you would know whether you are invested enough to purchase a professional camera.

    Soon enough you will start seeing the world with a creative eye.

    Good luck! :)
    Do not use automatic settings on your camera. You have to take time to learn what setting does what.

    In cinematography we have something called Golden Hour. This is the 2 hours after sunrise and the 2 hours before sunset. The light quality at this time of day is very beautiful and its a nice time to shoot anything, especially people.

    When shooting a person stand as far away as you possibly can and zoom in. This bends the image in a convex manner which compliment the subject's face. You can also reach the shallowest depth of field (shallow focus means that only the subject is in focus) in this way. This makes your portrate look very professional.

    You have to buy a tripod or your quality of your image will suffer.

    In composition you can devide your screen into thirds compose subjects on these lines. This is a very good way to learn composition for a begginer.

    I would also suggest you buy photoshop. You can get many video tutorials for this program on the net for free. This drasticly improves any picture.
    Think about the composition of the shot before you press the shutter. IS there anything in it you don't want? If so, move so it is not in the frame and then look again.

    Does anyone have advice on how to get a personal loan with no cosigner and bad credit?

    I am trying to pay for school and pay off my credit debt, and I need help.Does anyone have advice on how to get a personal loan with no cosigner and bad credit?
    I would do a credit clean up on your report first. It's easy and only takes 30 days to make your score go up fast. See the article below to see how to turn your negatives into positives.

    The second article is about Credit Urban Legends. It tells you exactly how your score is measured, and how to manipulate your credit accounts to improve your score now. Check them out.

    The third is about your credit consumer rights, and how to deal with collectors...just in case you are there.

    Hope this helps.Does anyone have advice on how to get a personal loan with no cosigner and bad credit?
    Good luck with that.

    Does anyone know how I can make $12,000 a year and afford to buy a BMW 745Li?
    Rob a bank.

    Seriously, avoid getting into devt when you have bad credit.

    Fix your credit first.
    If you are in school get a student loan otherwise I doubt you will get one anywhere else....if u d could you let me know cuz I could use one 2.
    you can a personal loan with a very high intrest rate. you can do your school loan over the computer or in your school office with out a co signer.

    Is there a Yahoo group that offers advice on how best to deal with a child's behavior?

    My son, (9 years old), will talk back to me or become very willful and downright mean about certain things. I want to discipline him of course, in a way that is both a ';punishment'; for him and a dialogue that will help him understand why certain behaviors are unacceptable.Is there a Yahoo group that offers advice on how best to deal with a child's behavior?
    get yourself into a good parenting course. Here is one I did. Do not tolerate him talking back. If he has no respect at 9 it will only get worse as he ages. Here is a good course you could look atIs there a Yahoo group that offers advice on how best to deal with a child's behavior?
    DONT smack him! make him take a time out, explaining what he has done wrong, at 9 years old he is old enough to know right from wrong. i believe that physical punishment is not the answer, i always took things away from my son. that worked best. for example, if he likes to watch tv, take that priveledge away, if he has video games, take those away.

    just be firm in whatever the punishment may be . just make sure you explain the punishment

    good luck
    smack him right in the mouth when he does it and say in a strained voice : ';You don't talk that way to me, I'm your MOTHER'; Then send him to his room or to a corner or something. The corner will make him feel more childish. Explain after the room or corner why that attitude is unacceptable. It's rude and un-neccesary. Or take away somehting he likes. Your the boss, you make the rules

    Should losing poker players give other players advice on how to play?

    I have seen on some poker sites that have message boards that you can give and get advice on how to play hands that people post. You can also go on sharkscope to see if the people giving te advice are winning players or not. For the most part that i have seen thepeople giving advice are losing money. Sometimes as much as 500 dollars or more. Since these players are losing, wouldn't they be giving them advice that is unworthy of taking. And the majority of these people probally dont realize that these players are losers.Should losing poker players give other players advice on how to play?
    well this is fantasy sports

    but i play poker on full tilt all of the time


    people dont value this....they play low quality hands 9 handed, and get burned

    i can give you some advice if you need....

    you can look my name up bowal79

    I honestly wouldnt pay any money for advice, unless it was to buy a book from a PRO

    my advice for making smaller priced tournaments.....i usually play sit and go's ranging anywhere from 5+.50 to 30+3.....the higher the buy-in, the better the talent is....i usually play 4 tables at once.....(2) 5+.50 and (2) makes me only play quality hands.....

    my hand selection is very thin, but when i am in a pot, i will play at it, whether i hit it or missed it, because people are unpredictable.....9 handed, i will only play.....any pair, AQ, AK, or suited connectors.....i will fold AJ, KQ, or KJ, or A10 , and especially the OVERRATED QJ....people Value QJ too much.....9 handed, even if the blinds are only 15-30.....onnly because those hands will get you in trouble, ALOT.....i will start playing those hands 5 or 6 handed, when the blinds are bigger, and the DEAD MONEY is out....

    when the blinds go up and up, i will play more hands, i will be given the tight image from when there is 9 players to 6 players....and when its 5 handed, and i raise alot of pots, people will be confused...i will be more agressive 4 handed than 9 handed....the less people in the tourney, the quality of the hands goes down, which means play many pots shorthanded

    any questions, email me

    i may not be a pro, but i am up around $1,000 only playing $5 and $10 games over the course of only 6 weeksShould losing poker players give other players advice on how to play?
    The key is overall winnings. If someone plays rags every hand, yeah, they麓ll win once in a while, and even get on some hot streaks... That麓s the way it is. However, taking odds into account and only playing good cards isn麓t a guarantee you麓ll win. Pocket aces are the best pocket cards, but look at how often they lose. Luck is always involved, so even the 'best麓 players will have losing nights. If you don麓t get the cards, you don麓t win.
    well, if they are better than the people they are teaching then it is ok. I mean, any advice would be an improvement on no advice wouldn't it??? Besides, not everyone wins ALL the time. It depends on your hand, and your attitude towards the game. It is a great game though.
    You can be given the best advice in the world from one of the best players, but if you get unlucky with the cards you can still lose.
    Hey, it is the same here. Lots of us losers give advice. lol.

    Good luck.

    Anyone have any advice on how to get a lazy horse going?

    When i ride my horse in the arena he is really lazy! I use a whip and it sometimes works! But sometimes it doesn't! I don't want to use spers on him! Does any one have any tips/advice on how i can get him going straight away when i want him to?Anyone have any advice on how to get a lazy horse going?

    My horse is the exact same way. Very sluggish and non interested in the arena. He always stops once we get going, and most of the time he wont even go.

    Just try walking him around while you warm up, and as you do that, do something interesting rather than just a circle - set up a pattern of ground poles, or barrels, and take him over or around those at the walk. Get him to bend his body and such.

    Then once he realizes you have something new to do for your ride that day, he should be more willing to cooperate and have a fun ride. Trot him over the poles, around barrels, even vertical poles could be set up and you could do a weaving pattern or something. Anything fun, new and interesting.

    Also try riding in serpentines or spirals, figure 8s...change it up every time you ride. This will get your horse much more excited for his workout.

    Hope this helps!!Anyone have any advice on how to get a lazy horse going?
    Be sure to ride him before feeding. I recommend early morning workout followed by his grain. Alphlfa tends to make them run a little hot so only feed in small portions but you can try allowing this as a ';lunch'; time snack followed with you riding him in the afternoon around 3 pm. I never have had the need or desire to use a whip or crop on any of the horses I have trained or ridden. Try taking him out for short rides to area that he seems eager to go. Use his instinct for speed or lack of! There is usually a reason

    Also work on building a stronger bond with your horse. Take into consideration of your horses age also. If he is over 13 then this may be reason for slowing down with only short bursts. Best wishes.
    You do not mention how old or how fit or unfit he is. Having checked out all medical conditions, back, teeth, legs etc, check the tack.

    Then the likelihood is that he is bored or heavy on his forehand.

    Try checking your position - up right, deep in the saddle, straight line from ear, shoulder, hip and heel, and from the bit end of the rein through your forearm and out through your elbow.

    Try giving a little squeeze of the rein just before you ask for a pace, sit down deep and drive him with your seat. Do lots of turns and circles, use trotting poles to encourage him to stretch down and look what he is doing, lots of upward and downward transitions. Keep him guessing. Also a schooling whip would help so you do not have to fiddle with the reins or take your hands off them which can give the horse confusing messages. And get some lunge lessons to improve your seat and balance. If the horse goes forward and you get left behind he is going to get the message that you are not secure and will slow down again.

    Also feed a bit more heating feed if he is not overweight.
    ride outside in the pasture if you can. its new and it keeps their minds going. PLUS its fun for you :] DO NOT feed alfalfa to get a horse going. that will cause so many problems.. i hate when people use that as a solution. my horse is 14.3 and 16 yrs old i ride her english and western and i feed her 1 flake of 60%grass 40% alfalfa in the morning with a small scoop of oats and then at night she gets a 1/2 flake of the same hay no matter what i do with her that day. She also goes out for 4-6 hrs a day. I ride her anywhere from 3-6 days a week and her feet never changes. She does her a supplement for her joints but that's it. Try new things with your horse.. maybe trail riding or just riding outside (i do this and its the same riding i would do inside but my mare LOVES it and is so happy she doesn't even realize its the same stuff. :) If you always ride western try english.. always mix things up.. they get bored too!
    Hmm do you normally tap him on the back? Horses often get used to being smacked on the back, so they start to ignore the ridder, and start kicking out and bucking out of frustration of being smacked. However, if you tap him gentle on the front shoulder, he should go forward immediately, without the typcial bucking assoiated.
  • beauty products
  • Anybody has advice on how to negotiate for a good deal on mattresses?

    Where should I start shopping, and where can I go to find ';matching prices'; to get the best deal?Anybody has advice on how to negotiate for a good deal on mattresses?
    pee on it....that way nobody else will want to buy it, and you can take it off their hands at a bargain price.Anybody has advice on how to negotiate for a good deal on mattresses?
    and what exactly do you expect to be negotiating on top of these mattresses?
    I work for a nationwide company called 1-800-mattress You can negotiate up to 20% off our list price. Go to our website for further info on our name brand mattresses.
    Check the Yellow Pages for mattress retailers that will match or beat competitors prices. I found 50% off sale at Sears and the mattress retailer matched it. Watch the ads in the newspaper for discounts. You can not match a Sealy Postpurpedic Madison from one chain to a Sealy Posturpedic Monroe from another chain. They are similar but salesperson will claim differences. Just know there is an enormous mark-up.

    Any good advice on how to get rid of or ease the bloating feeling when PMS occurs?

    I seriosly feel like a walking balloon.Any good advice on how to get rid of or ease the bloating feeling when PMS occurs?
    Most over the counter PMS pills (Midol, Pamprin) contain a diuretic. a diuretic helps you to expel any excess water from your body. That is what causing you to feel bloated, excess water. You should try one of those pills, and/or limit your salt intake. Salt will retain water and make the bloating worse!Any good advice on how to get rid of or ease the bloating feeling when PMS occurs?
    Well, when I'm horribly bloated I do some pelvic and lower body stretches. It minimizes your bloating and if you're having cramps, the stretches can help that as well. Midol never really gets rid of my bloating, just eases the cramps a little. You could also try taking a diuretic. I don't really know if that would help bloating of the PMS kind at all. Hope this helps! :)
    Take advil....

    Need some advice on how to lose the final 20 pounds?

    I have lost 80 pounds and only have 20 pounds left to g. I have tried everything. I have tried only eating once a week and walking 4 miles a day, I have tried eating 1 meal a day and walking 1 hour with a sauna suit on. I still cannot loose the weight. I have tried various over the counter diet pills and still nothing. Can someone tell me how they lost their final pounds?Need some advice on how to lose the final 20 pounds?
    When you are losing weight, you should exercise and diet together.

    If you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger appetite, which

    will lead to increase of weight, or muscle grow

    underneath the fat layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet without

    exercising, you will become flabby and will have excess skin. For

    diet, go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food

    after 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on

    your initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If

    you don't eat wheat then you don't eat all those sticky, fatty goey

    cakes, you don't eat junk food, and you don't eat biscuits. But your

    diet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to

    calculate points or to buy special meals or plans. For exercising,

    start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is the

    most efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight a

    lot, walk first or you may have health complications (heart attack,

    disjointed bones and so on). Weight lifting is a good means to target

    your problem areas for men and women. It's not necessarily to become a

    bodybuilder or even join a gym - a couple of dumbbells will help you

    to target your problem areas (stomach, butt, legs, arms, chest).Need some advice on how to lose the final 20 pounds?
    well done for losing 80 pounds :D

    have you tried detoxing? my friend lost her last 10 lbs from this..drank lots and lots of water, apple juice, cranberry juice and by eating apples all day ... i have just started my diet and will be doing his to kick start my diet :)

    good luck
    maybe your body is telling you that you dont need to lose any more weight

    80 pounds is a lot so i think that you are so much more healthy that your body is in an awesome state as it is!

    congratulations on losing 80 pounds, though, cause that is very impressive!!!

    Replacing a sliding glass door, any advice on how and where to get the best deal?

    We will have to have it installed. We want to make sure it is done right. I would appreciate any advice anyone has.Replacing a sliding glass door, any advice on how and where to get the best deal?
    try Lowes or Home Depot.

    Need an advice on how to reduce levels of their personal liabilities ?

    A partnership form of business are embarking in a new area of business with much greater levels of uncertainty.Need an advice on how to reduce levels of their personal liabilities ?
    Become an LLC.

    Limited Liabilty Corporation - that's the first step.

    Depends what your doing, there is all kind of ways

    to Cover your A$$. Employee records, signed agreements,

    posted notices...etc.
  • beauty products
  • I need advice on how to help a friend that is a victim of abuse, an afghan and/or Muslim is especially welcome?

    i have a friend that has a lot of problems at home and i don't know what to do, or if there is anything i can do. she is afghan/Muslim and as a result of her culture she really does not have to much power because she is female and because of other things. i would really appreciate it if somebody could offer me some advice. an afghan and/or Muslim person is especially welcome because they would have a better understand of the customs and culture.I need advice on how to help a friend that is a victim of abuse, an afghan and/or Muslim is especially welcome?
    to give advice you need to give us some more detail.

    - where is she (uk, us, canada, germany, bolivia, cambodia)?

    - how does she know you?

    - what kind of friend are you, school friend, loverboy, internet friend?

    - what kind of problems?I need advice on how to help a friend that is a victim of abuse, an afghan and/or Muslim is especially welcome?
    Sometimes Muslims act against their religion rather than according to it as a result of their cultural traditions. Afghanistan is a perfect example of girls being treated un-Islamically. If i knew specific things then maybe i could help but i don't know what you are asking. What is happening to her? If it is abuse then you could go to support agencies or the school counselor to voice your fears.

    It may be that the culture is scaring you as you are used to your own culture so if it's not hurting her in any way then i would just let it be
    No matter what culture or religious background your friend comes from, her family must abide by the laws of the country in which they live. If they are breaking the law they can be charged.

    If you think your friend is in danger ring the police.

    If you are unsure if the abuse is illegal then maybe talking to a service would help to clarify the situation and help you with options - numbers below.

    In Australia ring 1800 200 526

    Kids helpline 1800 55 1800

    Lifeline 13 11 14

    UK 0845 4647

    Ireland 1800 778 888

    USA 1800 656 HOPE

    I need advice on how to format internal conversation in a novel.?

    I'm writing a novel where two of the main characters can speak to one another in their minds. One of the characters is also the narrator. Normally, when I have her think something, I italicize it, but no quotes. When she is in conversation with another person with her ability, should I put her words in quotations or leave them off? In many respects, anything she thinks can be heard by the other telepathic character, but sometimes these thoughts are not directed to him, as in a conversation. So confusing!I need advice on how to format internal conversation in a novel.?
    If one of the characters is the narrator, how about having her thoughts be in pain text? Just separated by punctuation from the narration. You might have seen this format before in novels.

    Then for the mental dialogue, you can switch to italicization. However this would indicate that when she's thinking to herself, she's safely walled off from eavesdropping by the other character.

    If they have no barriers from each other, you can let every thought be italicised. Line breaks can occur at the end of every person's line in dialogues, just like you see in conversation in most books.

    Perhaps the mental dialogue is always separated by line breaks from the normal narrative, while the self-directed thoughts are never (usually) separated from the narrative in this way. (Edit: This is what I recommend.)

    If you feel that in the context of some bit of self-thought the reader might mistakenly assume she is talking to the other character, or vice versa, and this is problematic enough to necessitate adding some words, maybe you can use ';I thought to myself';, ';I said to myself'; or even just have her say something along the lines of ';I broke off contact';, ';Alone in my skull once more';, ';He never knew'; near the thought: basically anything that might indicate she's thinking to herself.

    Any friendly advice on how to survive a culinary arts program?

    I'm going LA trade techs program, and Would like some helpful advice! i'm a friendly, happy go lucky, outgoing, loves to laugh and smile type of person. think ill survive?

    Thanks.Any friendly advice on how to survive a culinary arts program?
    Of course you will survive it. Right now I am taking classes at the Professional Culinary Institute in Campbell, CA. As the others have said, as long as you take your education seriously, you'll most definitely fly through. Usually, these schools are full of happy, eager people that share the same interest as you do - cooking! I've already made so many friends here.

    Some advice that I'd be happy to share is to learn from the people around you. Chat with them, discuss what you're doing in class, learn from their mistakes and learn from their achievements. You will learn so much more than just relying on your own experience. Oh, and ask your chef questions!

    Good luck and I hope you have fun.Any friendly advice on how to survive a culinary arts program?
    Sure you will! But, take it seriously, too. A culinary arts program can be grueling. You will be amazed at how much information and technique you will be learning in a relatively short period of time. Be a sponge, take it all in and try to retain what you,ve learned. When you get out there in the big, bad world of ';chefdom'; you'll find that the more you paid attention in school the better job you'll get and the faster the promotions will come.

    (Chef, 30 years and CIA graduate)
    I bet you will . Just take it seriously .It will take a lot of hard work and patience but you'll survive.Just focus.

    Can someone give me some advice on how to patent an idea, and who should I contact?

    I have some great ideas and don't have the capital fund right now to patent it. I need info on how to apply for a free government grant, and how to apply for a patent application. Please reply if your are experienced in this field or know of a reputable business that I can contact. In desperate need.Can someone give me some advice on how to patent an idea, and who should I contact?
    We have not seen any government grants for 15 years. The cities and counties sell 30 year bonds to raise money. You apply for ';bond money'; for your new idea. You must pay the money back. it is not a gift.

    Or you pay $105 at the Patent Office. to get a Provisional Patent. This protects your idea but it must be fully developed quickly or you lose it.

    Or you go to (not my website) to apply to Venture Capitalists. They will offer you $50,000 for your idea but don't accept the money. Keep your idea and you will make $Millions..

    Do any professional models have advice on how to get signed to an agency?

    I am 5'6 and 3/4, 107 pounds. I never aspired to act or model until recently. Everywhere I go, somebody tells me I should model. I don't think it is that a knockout or anything, I just have a presence about me. There are no open calls for the larger agencies near me, should I travel anyway? Does sending in pictures via their website ever work for anyone? I appreciate any advice you can offer.Do any professional models have advice on how to get signed to an agency?
    well the thing is you could model for juniors only. because petites is like 5'4 and under. but high fashion is 5'8 or 5'9 or taller, but try john cassablanka modeling agency. theres tons of them around the worldDo any professional models have advice on how to get signed to an agency?
    for regular modelling go to they dont charge you for accepting you onto their book but u need ur own pix they are a great agency get u work unlike some most of there models get æ‹¢150 per hour!! if its more fashion u wanna do send ur pix to top agencies(www. or or and also pulse model agency takes on females from 5ft 5!! if any of that helps!!

    I am teaching myself cake decorating and would like advice on how to do sugarpaste stripes on a soccer shirt?

    As the team colours are quite thick black and white stripes, how do you get the vertical bands so precise on sugarpaste. Is the cake covered in white and then the black stripes painted on? I would love to know how to do it as I am designing a soccer based cake with the team badge in the centre (which is already painted onto a seperate plaque.)I am teaching myself cake decorating and would like advice on how to do sugarpaste stripes on a soccer shirt?
    fondant colored black since the natural is white.. you make 2 batches .. and stripes lining them up as you wish.. after cut.. there is a tool you can get with more than one cutter that looks like a pizza cutter.. or you can use a pasta roller with a cutting blade.. you can always try measuring by hand and cutting..I am teaching myself cake decorating and would like advice on how to do sugarpaste stripes on a soccer shirt?
    For sugar paste use a protective edge that you can pull up after you have laid your strips down this concept is almost like painters tape and it will give you a very smooth line.
  • beauty products
  • Can you please give me advice on how to change out wheel bearings on a Mitsubishi Eclipse?

    I am working on a 2000 Mitsubishi Eclipse and the drivers side front wheel bearing is bad. I have taken off everything brakes, control arm lower ball joint, axle, etc. but I can't get the wheel bearing out. There are four bolts that's holding the assymbly in that I took out already. What is the proper method for getting out the wheel bearing? I don't want to screw up because this is my only vehicle. I have heard of people pressing the bearing out with a arbor press. Any help would be appriciated. Thanks in advance.Can you please give me advice on how to change out wheel bearings on a Mitsubishi Eclipse?
    the best advise I can give you from experience...Is to buy your bearings and take the old and new parts to a machine shop....They will have all the tools necessary to do the job the right way...They shouldnt really only charge you about 25 dollars, but you will save more in the long run....Can you please give me advice on how to change out wheel bearings on a Mitsubishi Eclipse?
    you need a bearing puller, it has hooks that go on the back of the bearing and a threaded center piece that you hook a wrench/ beaker bar onto and it pushes on the axle end to pull the bearing out. they sell these at sears but they are not really cheap. you also need a press to put the new bearing back on. the press is really expensive or if you can fabricate a bottle jack w/ bearing sleeve you can press it back on.

    Can anyone give me any advice on how to ease morning sickness which seems to last all day?

    I am 7 weeks pregnant and I am having horrible nausea all day. It is worse in the morning but goes up and down all day. Food used to help but I am finding it increasingly hard to eat. And I can't face anything with ginger, which I have been told helps. Does anyone have any good tips for easing things?Can anyone give me any advice on how to ease morning sickness which seems to last all day?
    I've got pretty bad morning sickness this pregnancy too (comes and goes throughout the day, but mostly worst in the morning). I've been told Peppermint tea is supposed to help, but I haven't tried it yet. I force myself to eat cereal in the morning and that helps a little...Can anyone give me any advice on how to ease morning sickness which seems to last all day?
    If you can't do ginger, try some Sprite and soda crackers. Avoid anything citrus, as that may upset your stomach more. If you take medication, avoid that until you have something in your stomach, as it may also upset your stomach.

    I know it is hard to eat, but that will help it. You may have to force it down, especially in the morning. Try something like toast with butter only, or an english muffin. Something that will absorb any extra liquids in your stomach and settle it down.

    If nothing works, and your nausea won't go away, call your doctor. They might have some ideas that can help you, or they might prescribe something.
    I couldn't stomach ginger either. You just have to find what works best for you. I tired almost everything and nothing seemed to work, just give it time.

    Keep your self hydrated, Gatorade, water with lemon and eat small snacks all day long. Plain almonds (not roasted or salted), crackers, mild American cheese, toast and usually an apple or peach seemed to be easier on my stomach then others.
    You could try Ginger tea, Ginger Biscuits Eat some plain or salted crackers before you get out of bed, You could also try buying the nausea wrist bands, Could try relaxing and drinking plenty of fluid, But i don't think there is a lot you can do,. Try talking to your GP to see what he/she thinks. Good luck
    unfortunately nothing really helps. But the knowledge that it will ease at around 14 weeks may help slightly. It is a horrible feeling. Try the travel sickness sick bands as this may relieve it during the day. Also do try and eat as keeping your sugar and hunger levels constant helps too.
    It's hard but try to eat a few bites of something every half hour. some dry cereal, half a granola bar, etc. take it easy on the water. when you wake up during the night make sure you eat then too. my doctor told me to do this (he doesn't prescribe the pills for it) and it really worked. eat fruit to stay hydrated. good luck.
    Go get some motion sickness pills, they are safe and small. They are on the list of things from my OB to take while experiencing morning sickness and they work. Don't get the big chewable ones though.

    Also, foods high in protein help and drink gatorade. A few sips every 10-15 minutes at first.
    I know its not the healthiest drink, but carbonated drinks especially the clear ones like Sprite, really helped me . When i felt like throwing up i would drink sprite and the urge went away. Maybe you can try it. Just a few sips at a time, since the sugar is not all that good
    For me I found that just having plain crackers helped me heaps or the other one was dried apricots which i just kept a packet with me all the time, mostly though I just had to wait it out. Morning sickness for me was from about 6 - 13 weeks.
    First of all, congratulations on your pregnancy!!

    My ';morning sickness'; lasted all day long as well. The only thing that worked for me was to nibble on Saltines and sip on Gatorade all day. Hope you feel better soon! :-)
    I was told to eat a few saltine crackers. I think they have something called Pregnancy Pops too. I'm not really sure because my morning sickness wasn't that bad.
    Why not try some medicine?

    Any advice on how to lose a decent amount of weight?

    So I'm 5'8 and 210lbs. Not good, though I don't really look fat at all. Anyway, any good tips/advice/anything to enlighten me with. I still go to school and have limited money, so please give me advice that can cope with these two setbacks.Any advice on how to lose a decent amount of weight?
    start walking, jogging or running everyday at least a mile eat healthy no junk food and drink more waterAny advice on how to lose a decent amount of weight?
    1. Go to the gym and do cardio and weight training

    2. Watch what you eat, cut back on soda and sugars

    3. Go on and search workout videos you can do from home

    4. Go in a pool or at the beach and SWIM as if a shark is chasing you (it's an awesome exercise that tones your whole body)

    first, try a healthy diet - lots of veggies and fruit and whole wheat stuff. also, jogging burns LOTS of calories, and if you can't jog, try walking or biking.

    Any advice on how to beat the post Olympic blues?

    I know as soon as the Olympics ends, I'm going to feel like a porn star without his d**k. Any suggestions how to occupy my time when the festival of fun ends?Any advice on how to beat the post Olympic blues?
    I'm sure watching Boris Johnson balls up whatever he has to do at the closing ceremony while offending 1 billion Chinese at the same time will keep your spirits up in the short term. Any advice on how to beat the post Olympic blues?
    How about protesting in China;

    BEIJING (AP)—Two elderly Chinese women who applied to hold a protest during the Olympics were ordered to spend a year in a labor camp, a relative said Wednesday. Police later squelched a pro-Tibet demonstration.

    The women were still at home three days after being officially notified they would have to serve a yearlong term of reeducation through labor, but were under surveillance by a government-backed neighborhood group, said Li Xuehui, the son of one of the women.

    Li said no cause was given for the order to imprison his 79-year-old mother, Wu Dianyuan, and her neighbor Wang Xiuying, 77.

    “Wang Xiuying is almost blind and disabled. What sort of re-education through labor can she serve?” Li said in a telephone interview. “But they can also be taken away at any time.”

    cherish those blues for that is what makes the olympics so special and when they do come around 4 years from now you'll remember that if it weren't for those blues you had after the olympics 4 years prior the elated happiness you feel wouldn't have that same special luster that something tha only comes around every 4 years can bring.
    countdown to winter olympics!!! that's what i did when the winter olympics ended (counted down to beijing)

    or you can play outside
    Get the DVD and watch it over and over until the Winter Olympics.
    I could lend you a pair of my crotchless knickers!
    get a life
    like you said become a pornstar and get a di*ck
    take up a sport

    Any advice on how to donate books?

    In my household there are approximately 300 books... seriously. I am obviously looking to get that number down for clearing up the clutter. With so many books to get rid of, I want to do it appropriately. However, I am having the HARDEST time trying to find a book donation organization. There has to be places out there. I've contacted my library and I understand that they take books, but it is strictly under a children's section and they're not expected as many as I have. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.Any advice on how to donate books?
    Since I work with nonprofits all the time, I suggest homeless shelters, ywca, prison ministries, prison libraries, adult literacy organization, english as second language classes for high school or adults to learn to read english, women's shelters, red cross, aids organizations, or any type of adult residence or adult education nonprofit.

    You can go to to look up nonprofits in your city. All you have to do is make up your own user name and password; use advanced search because it lets you put in a city or state or key words. A list of all the nonprofits in your city or state, or, say you enter ';learning'; or ';reading'; to get a list of the organizations that have these words in their name, will come up.

    When you get your list just click on the name of an organization that interests you. You can read about the organization, then scroll down to the bottom of the page and you can actually click on a year to see their most recent tax return--called a 990. On their tax return you will find their contact information, how much money they raise, if they are solvent, how they spend their money, who is on their board of directors, and lots more.

    Viewing the results will not only give you a chance to identify prospective donees in your local area, but also will give you a chance to be an ';educated donor';. Is the organization financially sound, how much do they actually spend on their programs and services rather than on salaries and overhead, etc.

    Finally, at, you can go to the charities look up section and see if an organization is a legitimate charity with their charitable status approved by IRS. Again, being an educated donor will allow you to make the most of your generous donation.

    My best...hope this helps, TeresaAny advice on how to donate books?
    Call local schools in your area and surrounding areas, elementary, middle, and high schools. I'm sure they could use some for their libraries. Even local Catholic schools may be able to use some as they're not part of the bigger school districts.

    Local hospitals, Nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, etc. they may be able to use them and take them from you.

    Senior Citizen groups. The local Seniors for your town, they usually collect things and know where to donate them to, whether it's books, sheets, blankets, etc.

    Camps, recreation centers, etc, call and see if they need any.

    You can even ask your friends, family, and neighbors, if there are any that they would like. Hold a book sale or a book drive in your yard. Set out some tables if you want to sell them and sit there for an afternoon to make some money and sell them. You can also just call some friends or e-mail them with a list of whatever books are left after donating and ask if anyone would like what's left, and if so, tell them to come pick them up.

    I hope some of these ideas help!
    Also consider a used bookshop in your area - many of these stores buy used books, and you can donate the profit to any charity you like.

    Your library should have contact information for other dook donation centers, although you may have to travel to a larger city, depending on your area.
    I organize our local library book sale. We accept books two weeks before the sale. Lack of storage space is the reason.

    We only accept books in excellent condition, no text books, magazines. Reasons being what does not sell we must pay the dump fees. If a book sale only brings in 700 hundred dollars - to have to pay 200.00 disposal fee is so fustrating.
    I had fifty boxes of books to donate and, funnily enough, the library wouldn't take them for their sales. They didn't want to store them.

    Call senior centers/nursing homes. They most often are grateful to get books.

    Any advice on how to care for a very old pear tree?

    My dad has a 30+ year old fruit bearing pear tree which he has never properly taken care of (no spraying or pruning). It is gigantic, and it still bears fruit, mostly though at the top of the tree. He used to have several pear trees in his yard, however the last one died 2 years ago, and this is the only one left, which leads me to believe it is a self pollinating pear tree. What is the best way to prune this tree, and when? Should he spray the tree? Last, should he plant another pear tree in his yard? Thanks so much!Any advice on how to care for a very old pear tree?
    Pruning is important, but best done in winter. Big pear trees aren't that useful, because they are so hard to pick. They also learn to grow instead of fruiting. It will last and the best way to prune is probably hard to decide. Not too many back growing branches and brought to a more sensible height. If you plant a new one, I suggest a small young tree for no more than æ‹¢10 or $10. To prune this you want to take out the main stem once it has reached the height you want it to branch out from. Then you grow many trunks growing outwards from where you cut the stem going up.Any advice on how to care for a very old pear tree?
    I had the same problem with a crab apple tree that was 40 years + that my parents never took care of it. I pruned it heavily because the branches were so long, that they were dragging on the ground. It doesn't put out any apples anymore because it suffers from scab and insect problems. I may have over done it with the pruning too. Prune about 1/3 off the pear tree and give it food (fertilizer for fruit trees), place fresh dirt and mulch around it and see how it goes. Remove any suckers too. If this doesn't work try planting a pear tree that is easy to maintain and resistant to disease. Good luck.
  • beauty products
  • Any advice on how to feel more refreshed and willing to get out of bed in the morning?

    I am NOT morning person. Even when I get plenty of sleep, when my alarm clock goes off my half-awake/half-asleep self refuses to get out of bed. It's becoming a problem because I keep missing my morning classes. Not getting out of bed is a conscious decision that I'm making, and I want to know how I can change my morning attitude so that I really am excited about getting out of bed.Any advice on how to feel more refreshed and willing to get out of bed in the morning?
    could have something to d o with your metabolism and energy levels - eating habits - this could improve your wake up. perhaps add a bigger alarm further away - or get better morning classes!Any advice on how to feel more refreshed and willing to get out of bed in the morning?
    Go to bed earlier, and get more rest. Make yourself get

    up the first time when the alarm goes off. Put the alarm clock

    father away from you so you have to get up. I find after I have

    a shower and my coffee or tea, I feel much better.
    just look forward for the next day. Thats what I do. And when I come back form class I know I wll have a chance to rest. Look at it that way
    Put a small shallow pan of water with a washcloth in it at your bedside. When the alarm goes off, reach over and take the washcloth (which wil be cool or even cold), squeeze it out and wipe your face with it. Then I would say to myself, ';I am so lucky to be healthy enough to get out of bed today, and I will live today like I mean it.';

    Any advice on how to get better returns on my 401k?

    For the last several months, my 401k has been getting rocked! I'm 28 and make a solid income, so my profile is on the aggressive side .... Any advice on where I can align my $$$ in the market right now, to get a decent return? Or do I just need to tone it down until the market picks back up?Any advice on how to get better returns on my 401k?
    here's a very basic aggressive allocation:

    15% large cap growth

    15% large cap value

    15% midcap blend

    15% small cap blend.

    20% international

    20% bonds

    if you're allocated this way and still getting crushed .. and you still want to call yourself aggressive... then just keep steady... dollar cost average into it ... rebalance every 6 months or a year back to the above allocation.... close your eyes and in 10 years you'll be happy you didnt get conservative when things were bad.... cause if you do you;ll forever be likely to sell at the bottom and buy at the top when things are good.

    anyways.... if you want more professional direction ask if your employer;s 401k has a consultant that you can talk to about suggested models.... get his/her guidance

    cheers and good luckAny advice on how to get better returns on my 401k?
    you're at the mercy of the market - I think I lost money in 2007 in my 401k - and I switched around to different funds several times - I would have been better off keeping all in a money market fund all year - hindsight is beautiful, eh?
    I would need to know where your current allocations are set within your 401k. Obviously the market itself has been rocked these past few months, but since you have been hit hard it tells me you aren't properly diversified.

    post a follow-up with which funds you are invested in in your 401k and what percentage of the overall 401k each fund occupies.
    If any one fund is suffering immensely, sure...blow it off...get more into '; what's working';.

    The most important thing is '; know what those funds are invested in';. It's going to take some time for '; financials'; and '; home-builders'; to turn around. Get away from them for awhile... seek funds that are more international in scope...slightly heavy in energy.

    Just a couple of thoughts. Good luck.

    P.S. If ';everything'; is turning down..( even after being more ';selective';) then you just ride it's happened before and things have a way of coming back stronger( most times). You are young, lots of time to re-coup these losses....IF you have the stomach for it, this is actually a very good time to INCREASE your contributions to the'll be buying more stock '; on the cheap side'; when a turnaround comes you'll be increasing your gains. ( It's hard to do , but if you look at a guy like Buffet, that is how you end up on top.)
    best way to look at your 401K returns is to think about the average pricing you put into it. For example this month you will participate and buy mutual funds shares on the cheap because the market is down, next month you might buy it at a high if the market go up. As a rule of thumb you should revise your allocation at least once a year, but you should avoid selling on a down market. So thighten your seat belt, keep what you have invested as is, keep participating in the funds you 've choosen (as you now buy on the cheap today), but start shifting a bit of your contribution to safer funds. When the market recover start thinking about a different strategy by either changing your contribution to safer investment and/or selling funds and moving the $ into safer funds. Remember if you do any drastic moves now you will realize the losses.

    Talk to your financial advisor,
    No one is really getting a good return right now. The market has taken a few beatings in 2007. And I could not be happier. I hope 2008 is an awful year for the stock market. In fact, I hope we go through a bad decade.

    Consider the quote from my favorite author, William Bernstein, in his book The Four Pillars of Investing'; ';A young person saving for retirement should get down on his knees and pray for a stock market crash, so that he may then purchase his retirement shares at firesale prices.';

    Read my free book at . It's a bit long, so skip right to chapters 19 and 23. It will take you about an hour to read both, but should provide you with the most important and concise info you need about retirement investing. Or ... don't read my book ... it matters not to me.
    In retirement accounts, you are investing for the long haul - don't be disturbed by short-range market gyrations. The real key is to decide on the asset allocation thats best for you, pick the investment options in your plan that best meet that asset allocation, and keep contributing regardless of market moves. You shouldn't have to revisit the allocation more than once per year.
    Look into self directed IRA. You can transfer your 401K - and then use the money to invest in real estate getting a better overall average than the stock market.

    The real estate game may be faling but that just means that now is the best time to buy!

    compare the history of real estate to the history of the stock market....Also consider with self directed you can be super aggressive and dump it all into bershire hathaway...

    Additionally you get more of a tax shelter in a self directed IRA than a 401K

    - It's worth the money to transfer - It's worth the money to get a great accountant to set this up.

    Any advice on how to stop my 2 yr old to stop biting her fingernails?

    My 2 year old daughter has been biting her fingernails for about 2 months. And no matter what we say or try to stop her she won't stop. I just don't want this to turn into a bad habit that she'll have to break later. Any advice?

    Thanks in advance!Any advice on how to stop my 2 yr old to stop biting her fingernails?
    well the old way used to be putting chili.... which helped but then got into your eyes... I would have her wear gloves... there preety comfortable and hard to bite thru...Any advice on how to stop my 2 yr old to stop biting her fingernails?
    You can try cutting them every other day so there is nothing left to bite, and maybe that liuid that they paint on the nails that tastes btter. not sure if it's an eye irritant...and reinforce ';yes, i know its fun to bite your nails, but it's icky, how about if you let them grow, if you let them grow, we will do know, soak her hands, massage them, file her polish....

    Thursday, July 29, 2010

    Any advice on how to get started hand loading for a beginner?

    I'd be a beginner loading my own ammuntion, not at all a beginner with firearms. I've decided to break down and take this on.Any advice on how to get started hand loading for a beginner?
    Like Tom, I also started with an RCBS Reloader Kit over 20 years ago. Mine still works well also, and I highly recommend both the Partner and the more powerful RockChucker presses.

    If you have not yet purchased a press, let my strongly suggest that you start with a single stage press, like the RockChucker or Partner. They will always be useful for load development even after you advance to a progressive press.

    I know it is popular to tell folks that reloading manuals are nothing but guidelines. Folks who give advise like that can generally be button-holed into admitting that they've blown up a few guns. Treat your reloading manual like it is the Gospel handed down from on high. At least until you have a few years experience and learn when and how you can safely push the envelop. Don't load below the minimum suggested load for a powder, and don't load more than the suggested maximum. At least until you have learned enough to know when and how much you can push things.

    Read your manual carefully, take your time when you reload. I've never made a mistake reloading that could not be traced back to being in a hurry.

    One of the most important things I learned about reloading is that best accuracy and highest velocity are seldom found in the same load. Don't be afraid to sacrifice velocity in favor or accuracy. After all, no matter how fast the bullet, if you don't hit the target, it doesn't count.

    Another very important thing I learned. When in doubt, pull the bullets and start over. An overcharge can ruin your day, not to mention your gun, your hand, your face and your eyes. If you make a mistake, err on the side of safety.

    Check your scales frequently. Movement of 1/2 an inch can cause it to get out of Zero and cause dangerous charge weight variations. Invest in a set of Scale Check Weights and use them before every reloading session.

    Be careful, avoid distractions, and be methodical. Do this and you will greatly enjoy reloading. It took me over ten years to convince myself to get into reloading. I've kicked myself many times for being so CS about getting started reloading.

    Doc HudsonAny advice on how to get started hand loading for a beginner?
    All the other answers are good, and if you be careful and always go by the data in reloading manuals you will enjoy reloading.

    I've been reloading since my grandfather gave me a reloading set 30 years ago when I was 14. Since then reloading has been one of my favorite and most rewarding hobbies, and I have a freezer full of deer meat to prove it.

    Just be careful and when you find a load you like, load lots of them and stash boxes of ammo in case the Democrats get the gun bans they want...
    G to, or and look at the reloading kits. You will need to buy a kit (it is the cheapest way to go), a loading manual and a set of dies for the caliber that you will be loading. After that, you need powder, bullets, empty brass shells and primers. Never try to load any cartridges without first having a loading manual at hand to refer to. You cannot guess at how much powder to put in a cartridge. You must know exactly how much to use and you must have a reloading manual to be sure to get it right.
    GOOD for you

    be patient when you get started ... there are alot of great books on reloading, speer, rcbs, hornady, leeman, to just name a few.

    do only one thing at a time, dont rush and take good notes. its a nice price tag to start but if you shoot alot like i do, you'll save alot of time , money and get the rounds you want. you wont regret it.......
    i agree with the above good advice here's one more start with the basic loads and work your way up to what you like don't think your going to make a super hot load by mixing powder or putting to much in you will get hurt and damage your gun
    Buy a RCBS Rockchucker kit and get started. Check with Midway USA for a fair price.
    You have already received some excellent advise from previous responders so let me just add to what they had to say. Before you invest in equipment study the subject and decide the direction you intend to take.

    I have been loading for over 35 years and still use the same reloading press I started with. When I first got into it I bought an RCBS starter kit that included a Rock Chucker press that works as good today as the day I purchased it. The only reason I bring that up is that as you evolve if you bought quality equipment in the begining it will be functional for the rest of your life. I currently have three progressive systems but I still use the Rock Chucker. Oh by the RCBS cost a little more that say a LEE but there stuff is guaranteed for a life time and they support their stuff at no cost.

    Check out some of the major sporting good on line stores once you know what calibers you want to load. In addition all major powder company's provide free loading data on line.

    I'm attaching a YouTube URL titled Reloading 101 Step 1. There will be five altogether and you will see the others in the index as you start the first. Good Luck it's fun and if you shoot allot you won't believe the cash you save once you recover you initial investment.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    Any advice on how to stop my dog from barking when people are entering our house and yard?

    We live on a corner lot ; even if she's in the house she barks maddly when people pass through the yard. She barks at my teen age sons friend when they come in. They are too busy(sarc.) to get to know her and some are afraid. (she's never done anything but bark). As I type this she is on the bed grunting and growling as the neighbourhood children pass through on their way home from school.

    How do I get her to ignore people being here that don't want to deal with her?

    2yr. old , rescued 2 mths ago. doberman/ger. shepard.

    I have tryed having her lay down and stay and feed her treats. This works to a degree,but when boys come or go it's a big ruckouse(sp?) Should I just stick with that? Any other ideas?Any advice on how to stop my dog from barking when people are entering our house and yard?
    It will not be easy, and it is not natural for this dog mix. At the same time, the dog is already formed in its ways (notice I did not say set) and mostly an adult. This makes it tougher, but still possible. The key is to establish a ';No bark'; command. This could be ';no bark';, ';no mouth';, ';hush';, ';calm down'; or any other phrase that is natural. What you do is this:

    1) Anticipate a time when there will likely be people going by outside. You said the kids usually do it after school, so then is good. Be ready with treats and a squirt bottle

    2) The first time your dog barks, shut its moth with your hand and firmly say ';No bark'; (or whatever phrase you chose). You must be firm and forceful, but not mean

    3) If the dog stops, treat her. Praise the heck out of her and make her feel like she won the lottery. If she keeps it up, squirt her with the bottle and repeat the ';No bark'; process (mouth shut and command)

    4) Repeat this process as much as possible, making sure to be consistent. If your dog ignores you regularly, shut it in a bathroom or other area for a time out. If it barks in there shoot it with the water and close the door back.

    5) If this time out does not work, next time it barks after the command startle it with a ';nip';. Pinch it quickly behind the neck and make a loud unusual noise. This will startle your dog and it should stop barking. Assuming it does, treat and praise.

    Soon your dog should start learning the no bark command. This is not fool proof, there are times it will bark. But this will help establish a way to get them to stop. They also think they are doing right by barking, sounding the alarm so-to-speak. This will train them that this is actually not desired. If all else fails, you can try the collar that sprays citronella. Please DO NOT get the shock collar. This is so cruel, as it shocks the for doing something that is only natural. It will confuse them, and really is mean. The spray collar works in a similar manner, but instead of shocking it startles them with a citronella smell. They do not like it, and apparently helps curb barking. I have not used one, but hear they work well. Good luck.Any advice on how to stop my dog from barking when people are entering our house and yard?
    if you show it a spray gun with water and tell her to stop and she doesn't just give him a little spray and she will stop
    Tell people to ignore your dog , no petting , no talking to the dog , no eye contact .

    You should do the same thing .

    It works !!

    All the dog wants to do is get to know the person better that comes into your house , all he will do is sniff and after a while they lose intrest in the person .

    I tried it , and it works .
    this mix are meant to be guard dogs, but you can put her on a leash every time she barks just give her a little 'pop' with the leash but don't yank so hard that you lift her off her feet. Just as long as you can distract her she won't bark. This sounds like her habit because she's bored.
    Firm tap on the nose when she barks and say ';Be quiet'; or something but do it the same each time.
    You adopted a breed mix, both of which are bred for GUARDING..Telling her that she can't perform her function, bred in for many generations, will be very frustrating for her..You may be able to curb the action a bit, by getting her out and socialized..a LOT..Otherwise, even if you do get her to quiet down, she will remain alert and really desire to do her job..

    Get her out and about often, try to get the boys to have contact with her..You might even make it mandatory for them to give her attention when they come in.(keep a bag of treats at the door)

    If you enrol in obedience classes, she will have more contact with people and dogs, and learn how to respond to you..even if distracted by others..
    there is probably no way. if she was rescued maybe people have been mean to her in the past. she will not forget what people have done to her. now she has gotten to know you and knows you will not hurt her but she doesnt know that about the people in your neighborhood. she is doing that to protect herself and your family. because she probably thinks that if she growls and barks people will be scared of her and not come up to her and hurt her. hope that helps. it could also be just the way she is.
    you cant stop her barking its instinct but you can teach her to stop on command but not stop forever kneel down face to... snout hold her head and say no or other words you use that mean no tell her to sit stay and open the door if that doesnt work youll just have to live with it its normal for dogs to bark and strangers especially if its a particualr breed mine is german sheppard so he always barks you cant teach a dog to stop barking its like a parent teaching a kid to move only on command
    This is a pretty simple fix, youll just have to put the effort in. First you need to have a leash handy at all times (this is a pain I know, but this is really what you need to do) Once the dog starts to get going (at the first sign do not let her get all the way riled up) put the leash on her and put her by your side. I find it works best if you put them in a sitting posisiton. Any sign of a growling/barking give her a correction (tug of the leash) and make sure she stays sitting. This will take patience and consistancy but this is basically what you need to do. Over time she will learn not to even begin to start carrying on in these situation and you can gradually phase out the use of the leash. Good luck
    Go to the local animal shelter and buy a gift certificate for Spay/Neutering or Frontal Lobotomy with your dog's name on it.

    Excitedly show it to your dog and tell her with a straight face, ';this certificate can be redeemed ANY time and NEVER expires. Just let me know when you want to go.... by barking.

    Either way, it'll be the best 50 bucks you ever spent.

    Hope this helped.


    Any advice on how to convince a relative to NOT represent himself in court?

    It is a civil matter (not criminal) but too large for small claims. This relative insists that ';a lawyer cannot help.'; I have already told him the well known known saying about the person who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client. ANy advice, clever, convincing arguments will be appreciated. Why am I involved? Because, if I am not, he'll yell later on ';Why didn't you stop me if you knew if was wrong.'; It has happened before. Thanks!Any advice on how to convince a relative to NOT represent himself in court?
    I have talked to a lawyer about 3 times in my life, each time they told me the wrong thing.

    You did not explain what kind of case, he needs to read up on the law, it even helps to watch Perry Mason (available free online at CBS) to get an idea of legal topics.

    A book on Torts, Business Law, and a review of constitutional rights could help. Also, particular state and federal laws should be read (commonly they can be found on the internet or at the public library).

    This way he can get his money's worth if he does see a lawyer.

    One other thing. in civil cases if the person being sued does not show up the judge automatically rules in favor of the other party, with no rights to appeal the case. Make certain your relative shows up.Any advice on how to convince a relative to NOT represent himself in court?
    If he's trying to pursue a civil suit against someone else, let him be his own fool and waste his time and filing fees and possibly embarrass himself in court - if the case even makes it to court. If he's trying to defend himself, tell him it's going to cost him some money one way or the other - either paying a lawyer to defend him or paying the plaintiff when he's found to be at fault.
  • beauty products
  • Any advice on how to reduce rubbing burns on ears from friction?

    I play no.8 and even though i have a scrum cap my ears always get cut during games . how can i prevent this?Any advice on how to reduce rubbing burns on ears from friction?
    if you really want, you can tape your ears with scotch tape or something. it doesn't feel comfortable but i guess it could be better than getting cut.

    Any advice on how to project revenue and traffic for a social network website for a business plan?

    Obviously, researching borrowing info from similar sites is the first step, but this is proving difficult information to gather.Any advice on how to project revenue and traffic for a social network website for a business plan?
    You must break this down into 2 steps:

    Step 1: Estimate Traffic - Do this first, since you are not going to get any revenue with any traffic.

    How are people going to find the site. I going to guess and say the following 3 ways:

    * Web Advertising or Pay per click - ok what is your marketing budget and how much is the average PPC for social networking sites. A monthly budget of $4,500 with a PPC of $0.50 will earn you 9,000 visits per month.

    * General web search - Ok first find the common search terms. Go Or use WEB CEO ( which says there are 1,865 searches for the term ';social networking'; per day. Add up all the searches for the search terms. Next estimate your page ranking. From there you will need to calculate the likelihood that someone will select your site from the others. So if your site is listed on page 1 you might estimate that 10 percent of these users will clicks on your link. If you are only listed on page 10 then you basically have a 0 percent change that the user will click on your site.

    * Referrals from existing subscribers - How may subscribers will refer a friend and how many friends will they refer and so on.

    Step 2: Estimate Revenue - Your revenue is 100 percent dependant on your traffic. A user can't sign up (and pay you money) unless they are at your website. Same goes for clicking on a advertisement (in which you will earn a commission).

    Now that you have estimated the traffic (Step 1). You need to estimate what percentage of your traffic is going to sign up (should be about 2% for PPC and general web search and maybe 30% for referrals ) and what percentage of your traffic is going to click on an advertisement (should be about 1%).

    You need an excel spreadsheet to do this.Any advice on how to project revenue and traffic for a social network website for a business plan?
    Most of your information will be based on the social community you're going after....

    Social-businesses or professionals





    The point is that the projections come from the size of the market and why you're bringing them together to socialize...

    then you look at advertisers that want to be in front of your market

    Any advice on how to convince him now is the time for a baby?

    Hi everyone! My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 5 years now, and are planning on getting married next year. I am 22 and he is 24. I am ready to have a baby and start our family now! We have talked about having kids before. How can I reassure him that it is a perfect time for us to start the family?Any advice on how to convince him now is the time for a baby?
    On paper. Sit down with him and together write out the pros and cons of starting a family now verses waiting. Then, together, come up with a timeframe and plan.Any advice on how to convince him now is the time for a baby?
    Having children shouldn't be something you have to ';convince'; someone to do, especially if he's not ready. Maybe it's important to him that you are married first- in which case, would he move up the wedding date so you can have the baby you want so badly.
    unfortunately you both have to agree on this one, you can express your wish but its really up to him, im sure he'll be fine
    You can't convince him but I would just be honest. Tell him you want a baby and you will not be using contraception. Then it is his place to be responsible. Find out when he will be ready to have a family. If he can't convince you he will def be ready one day you are marrying the wrong man!
    if you have to convince him, you shouldnt
    You can't convince him. He will decide it on his own. You don't want any regrets.

    Congratulations on your engagement.

    While you are ready to have a baby, you really should listen to your bf's wishes too. Perhaps he has legitimate reasons for holding off on a baby. Perhaps he doesn't feel financially ready to support a baby. Perhaps he just wants to spend some time with you as a newlywed with no children for a couple of years. Regardless of the answer, you MUST respect his needs as well as your own. When you start putting your partner 1st, he'll start putting you 1st. You can't reassure him of anything. That is like trying to change who he is. Address his issues and have him address yours. Set a timetable, say within 5 years, to start your family. Too many young marrieds are eager to have children, usually because they see their friends married with children. Babies and children are not like pets who can fend for themselves.

    You and your husband need to spend time around babies and children and see how ready you are to meet their needs - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When they are thirsty, hungry, wet, sick, tired, bored, etc. Once you have a baby, you won't get any time off because you are sick or tired or have to work. That baby will HAVE to come first.

    Enjoy your time together as a married couple first. Once you do that, the baby time will come along naturally.

    Good Luck and Congratulations!

    Any advice on how to care for a rose stem?

    I've just bought a yellow rose stem for my bedroom. I want to care for it to make sure it lasts as long as possible.

    Do you have any advice/tips etc on how to look after it?

    Many thanks.Any advice on how to care for a rose stem?
    Get the little packages of rose food and put them in your water and snip off an inch off the bottom before you put it in the water.Any advice on how to care for a rose stem?
    Change the water daily and you should get a full week.
    put a little lemonade in the water

    Any advice on how a Manc can survive a trip to Anfield this afternoon?

    I will not be driving or wearing any jewelry so I have that covered.Any advice on how a Manc can survive a trip to Anfield this afternoon?
    Babe, You can easily survive if you were to bring me along with you :)

    *muahAny advice on how a Manc can survive a trip to Anfield this afternoon?
    Feel free to make a pit-stop in Yorkshire beforehand. I have a purple shellsuit, with a green go faster stripe down the side, in pristine condition which you are free to borrow - it may help a little with the transition into foreign climes.
    Wear a gorilla suit, a Pool scarf and Chelsea woolly hat - and ask those around you - ';Are Arsenal in the red or the blue?';

    That ought to ensure you're left in peace.

    (Don't forget the bananas.)
    Well Audi seems to have that covered...but try, try very hard not to get carried away and smile, snigger, ROFL, and hope for the best
    Bring a shotgun and blow steve gerrards head off
    just keep your manc gob shut for a change
    wear a man u shirt and run around screaming liverfool...u be pretty safe being escorted by cops..
    now you just need to remove that smug expression and you'll be ok....

    Need advice on how I can successfully tie in to existing HVAC system for my 800 sqft. basement?

    How many registers do I need?

    What about return air?

    Should I always install from main trunk line or can I just use a Tee?

    How much does this project typically cost should I decide to hire a contractor?Need advice on how I can successfully tie in to existing HVAC system for my 800 sqft. basement?
    The type of system you have makes a difference. If your talking heating only - not using air conditioning, and your fuel source is natural gas or oil, you may be able to use the existing system effectively. If you have an all-electric heat pump, or gas heat and electric air conditioning, adding 800 square ft is too much load and will put your system over the balance point (the point at which the system is ineffective). Generally, you need 400 CFM per ton and can average between 400 to 500 square ft per ton. Possibly your additional 800 sq. ft would require 800 CFM air flow. Depending on the length of the duct run (friction loss) and your system requirements for duct static pressure (usually around .07 inches, you would need a 14 inch diameter duct to handle the amount of required air flow. This much air would require that you tie the duct directly ito the plenum, or main duct off of the furnace. The registers you need would depend on how you split-up the air flow. If you need 14 inch total duct for 800 CFM, then splitting 800 CFM into registers the take a 6-inch duct would require around 8 registers fed by 6-inch ducts. Need advice on how I can successfully tie in to existing HVAC system for my 800 sqft. basement?
    Don't tie into existing lines, run new ones from the bulkhead (trunk). Probably need 3-5 registers depending on the climate of where you live.

    A contractor would probably charge $1200 to do this!!!
    You don't need five registers for an 800sf room-one or two will do. You can use flexible duct work. It is cheaper and easier to use.
    I need more info. Are you going to have different rooms or open space? Is currant furnace capable enough to handle extra 800 sq ft? DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING?
    look up
  • beauty products
  • Any advice on how to get two young dogs to get along with a new kitten?

    I have 2 Shelties (one just turned 1 years old and the other is 1 and half years old, so they are still very puppy like). I have 3 older cats (13, 14, and 18). The older cats preety much put the dogs in their place. In otherwords, the dogs know better than to mess with the cats. My older Sheltie (Emma) is very assertive and not shy at all (rare for a Sheltie). She also is unfortunately favored probably because she came first. She is very spoiled and knows how to get her way. She will not let Toby (the younger one) be pet or held if she's around. She will literally push him off your lap or squeeze her way in front of him. Emma is very protective of her treats (rawhide bones) and some toys. She will often get into fights with Toby which she starts. Toby has recently learned how to stick up for himself. On the otherhand, the two are the best of buddies and will cuddle and kiss each other. They love playing together. Emma can be preety violent with stuffed animals (cont'd)Any advice on how to get two young dogs to get along with a new kitten?
    I haven't seen your continuation, but I already see some problems. While your dogs may still be ';puppy like'; Emma does not recognize YOU as Alpha Pack Leader. You need to train her on this. Dogs become demanding, offensive, BAD citizens in the pack if the human is not Alpha Pack Leader. Dogs are Pack Animals and YOU must be the Leader!!!

    Emma should NOT be able to prevent YOU from giving your younger pup attention. If she's secure in her position as alpha dog, I would not expect her to be starting fights with Toby. If Toby is now standing up for himself, then be prepared as he's getting ready to challenge her for the position of Alpha Dog. Your dogs will fight until they determine which dog is Alpha over the other one.

    Your initial question was how to get them to get along with the new kitten. Since the older cats know how to put the dogs in their place, I'd let them continue to deal with the dogs in their own way. Take the new kitten and hold it to let it know it is safe. Present it to the dogs rear end first. Dogs and cats are scent oriented and the senior animal should be respected as senior by having the newcomer presented rear first so the senior animal can sniff at will. This is how animals meet %26amp; greet. Senior animals get to sniff rears of less senior animals first.

    As to your addendum:

    If you present the kitten the way I suggested, YOU are there to protect the kitten. Don't allow the dogs free access to the kitten till they have accepted the kit. I always plan on it taking a while, possibly as long as a week or two with Emma. Toby should accept the kit faster.

    Emma doesn't sound like she's a good citizen. If that's the case, she should not be bred as she'd give her pups an aggressive attitude and that's not something you want to be breeding into pups. Her protective instincts as a new mother would make her MORE aggressive towards other Pack Members! If Emma as a new mother is agressive towards the cats, that's what the pups will learn.

    Have you done the OFA and other testing that should be done to ensure you're not going to breed pups with genetic health problems? There's a lot you need to learn, if you have not yet done the research into what testing should be done before you consider breeding, and what care the mother and pups require.

    If the other cats have not yet met the kit, you need to introduce it to them rear end first just as well, to indicate that you recognize them as senior to this new pack member. They won't take to the kit if they are jealous and see it as an intruder. My first cat took 2 years to accept my newer kitten.

    If the Bengal you asked about is the exotic cat from the forests, I'd avoid adding that to the mix.Any advice on how to get two young dogs to get along with a new kitten?
    get rid of the cat..
    Train them to like each other. That's what I would do.