Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Moles!! Can anyone give me any advice on how to HUMANELY rid my garden of moles?

My beautiful lawn is covered in mole hills. Any helpful advice would be welcome.Moles!! Can anyone give me any advice on how to HUMANELY rid my garden of moles?
The moles are being attracted to your yard because there is a food source. Most likely, that source is grubs, weevil larvae, and other types of worms.

The first thing you need to do is get rid of your creepy crawlie problems. While you could apply lots of chemical insecticides, these cause problems environmentally, and to children and pets. If you truly want to be humane to not only the moles but those around you, you can use beneficial nematodes. Nematodes are microscopic worms that parasitize grubs, weevil larvae, and other harmful worms (note: they don't affect earthworms, which are very good for your lawn and would be killed by insecticides).

In terms of application, you want to apply them to moist grass later in the day (4 -7 pm) and make sure that they stay moist for as long as possible. But, you do not want to irrigate or have rain because that is too much water. Instead, what I do is sprinkle the area with the shower mode on my hose's spray nozzle.

The nematodes will provide not only quick results, but lasting results. They will work as long as you keep the conditions right. If you happen to have a drought or something, then you would need to reapply and start the process again.

There are a number of companies that sell nematode products, but many are not worth wasting your money on. I have tried many different ones and found that the best ones are distributed by Becker Underwood in Ames, IA. They ship them overnight to you and because of how they package them, the packs are still cold (before applying, it is important that the nematodes remain cool -- most other companies don't take that much care). While they do not sell them to your common joe, you can call them and they will tell you where the nearest retailer to you is. The type that you will probably need is ';Heterorhabditis bacteriophora'; and it is marketed at Nemasys G.

Good luck!

(By the way, if worse comes to worse and you need to get rid of the moles, you can put unwrapped sticks of Juicy Fruit gum in their holes. They eat it, they get bound up, and they die. I've have never used that because I have always used the nematodes, but my grandma used to have great success with it when I was a kid.)Moles!! Can anyone give me any advice on how to HUMANELY rid my garden of moles?
Dig a hole through the center of the most active runway sufficiently large enough to place a #10 tin can (approximately 7 inches in diameter and 10-12 inches deep) upright in the hole. Be sure the top of the can is level with the bottom of the runway. Fill and pack dirt tightly around the sides of the can, and then plug both sides of the runway with soil right up to the lip of the can. You may also want to stamp the runway about 1 foot on both sides of the can. Lay a board, plywood scrap or other suitable material on the ground over the pit to block out light and prevent pets or children from falling into the hole, but allow you to maintain easy access for monitoring. In reopening the runway, the mole will fall into the can and usually is unable to escape. If the tunnels are not reopened or you fail to catch a mole within 1-2 days, move the device to another active runway.
We have been combating moles for over twenty years at the farm. . . The only thing that has worked for us is buying a roller to pull behind a mower that is filled with water weighing approx. 400 lbs. . . This will smash down the tunnels and help even your yard over time also. . . Another trick is to buy a big bag of castor oil pellets and sprinkle them from the main building outwards over a few day period to repel them. . . And then, we also plant a row or marigolds on the side of the garden that they like to come in, and this has worked as a deterrent for over 5 years now :) The best of luck to you :)
The first thing you need to do is get rid of their primary food supply. Grubs. They are digging up your yard in search of food. Spread an insecticide that is designed to kill the grubs in your yard %26amp; the moles will go to your neighbor's yard. If you wan't more information, type ';how to get rid of moles'; in your search bar.
Moles are attracted by grubs. Grubs live just under to grass roots. I had grubs and moles and put down grub-x and got rid of the moles food and the moles left my yard. I would put down some insect killer in the yard.

Good luck.
A good method is to buy some of those plastic children's windmills which turn in the wind. Stick them in the ground. Moles don't like the sound of the vibrations.
my mother in law just told me that Epsom salt works if you use on of those hose sprayers, I haven't tried it ,,,but I should as my yard is horrible due to the moles too!
I know someone who cuts the bottom off milk plastic milk cartons and puts the top end in the run and lets the cut off bottom stick out of the ground. They swear it works.
What is normally done is a pesticide is sprayed on the lawn to kill grubs! Moles LOVE grubs! Get rid of the grubs and the moles will go away! ;-)=
I believe you can buy a thing that you put in the ground and it sends out sonic pulses that drive moles away.
I use the old fashioned way. Put urine down the holes, if you have a cat put some refuse from the cat litter down the holes.

It does work
Never mind humane ,dig a big hole and bury the buggers alive, that'll teach 'em
caster oil, make a spray and spray away

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