Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Starting highschool in Sept. Any advice on how to have a successful school year ?

What advice would you give to a girl starting Gr.10 ? What would you have changed or done better. Thanks!Starting highschool in Sept. Any advice on how to have a successful school year ?
I was a sophomore last year and well, i would have done stuff a lot different!

Sophomore year isn't the most imortant year, but it is the year most people slack off, a LOT! I was in 3 honors and 2 regular classes, and i got 2 B's =( i BARELY brought another 2 B's i had up to A's. I barely studied for anything, and i overworked myself. ( I did tennis, cheerleading, and a school musical, and all at the same time. It SUCKED! Only do two things at most lol) Im not doing cheerleading again haha, and i really wanted to do diving, but i think ill just do tennis and school this year haha.

Anyways, do not slack off or you'll be trying to bring it up the next two years. Don't do what i did and put talking to people on the top of your list lol. I mean it is good every once in a while, but not everyday. Plus, dont do what i did and wait till 12 or 1 o'clock to do your homework, then realize that you're tired and then hope that you can copy someone the next day or do it during another class haha. Also, try studying for your tests! I found that in 10th grade they start preping you for college, even in the regular classes. Like in regular world history our tests were mult choice and about 25-30 fill in the blank (without a word bank), and a few short answer questions!!! Chemistry tests were probably the best because they were all mult choice, but it was honors, eek. I noticed too that EVERYONE, or at least 90% of my class started to actually try AFTER their sophomore year. Well, it hasnt started yet, but a lot of people picked challenging courses that i would have never expected them to! But that just goes to show that you'll be ahead of the game if you start really trying this year and not waiting for the next year!

Im more pepped for this years courses though, i am determined to get straight A's even if it kills me, or basically till i can do no more!

Study, Dont slack off, and also try to have *fun* at the same time =D

**sorry forgot to say fun lolStarting highschool in Sept. Any advice on how to have a successful school year ?
I was a sophomore last year, and it was the hardest school year for me yet.

When people start highschool as freshmen, they are still trying to figure out who they want to be in highschool. Sophomore year, they've a better idea, and most people change. Friends grow apart, and you find yourself to be a different person!

My advice would be to branch out. People you've known forever may not be the same people this year, so don't be afraid to make new friends.

Hope this helps!

Best of luck.
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