Sunday, August 22, 2010

Advice how to deal with the goverment over disability?

My dr has recently told me that i will probably not get disability. The thing that frustrates me is that I have a weak heart because I had heart sergury when I was 4 years old. Also I have very rare diease that curve my spine and now its begining to cause me some pain in my back. I'm not lazy I would like to work and have worked but now its a real challeng to do even basic stuff . I would like advice to know what steps to take if i don;t get disability other then an appeal?Advice how to deal with the goverment over disability?
Have you applied yet? First apply and then worry about not getting it.

here is the Canadian website.鈥?/a>

my bf has a mental disability and it took him almost 18 months to get his, and he went to his Dr and the Dr wrote a letter to give to the Disability Pension Plan people and he finally got it and all retroactive from when he first applied.

He is not easy to live with and he knows it and he tries but it just can't be helped.

But they only gave him the minimum amount because I am working and we live together and they told me that I should look after him!!!!!!!!!!.

But the small amount does help some.

good luckAdvice how to deal with the goverment over disability?
A friend of mine had a stroke at an early age and was in way worse shape than you and they denied her. She was in a wheel chair and they told her she could get a sit down job totally disregarding the depression and embarrassment caused by her new situation. Our illustrious government does not care, believe me. She got one of those law firms you see advertising all the time just because so many people are outraged same as you. They got her the benefits and will take something like eighty bucks a month out of her first ten checks. Not a bad deal considering what she was facing. After you have the SSD you can apply for Section 8 and food stamps and you'll be allright and can still work part time if you can.
If your doctor told you that you probably wouldn't get disability, did he or did he not write a letter to that effect, or did he write a letter saying you need to be on disability? If that doctor said you don't need disability, and you think you do need it, I suggest you go to another doctor because the decision to grant you disability depends very largely on what your doctor tells them about your condition. Good luck, and I hope that helps

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