Monday, August 23, 2010

Advice on How to keep motivated with CBT sessions?

What can you do between your weekly sessions to help yourself get somewhat more better??Any advice and help would be greatly received.Advice on How to keep motivated with CBT sessions?
I would suggest making having fun a top priority and putting a fixed amount of time aside each night to relax without going on the computer. also, forcing yourself to do things you're uncomfortable with (no matter how little) will do a great deal for your subconscious at the end of the day.

hope your sessions go well, best of luck!Advice on How to keep motivated with CBT sessions?
yeah- its more broad that that though. Focus on beign successful in life and what is importaint in life. Here is a site that I found that teaches u tips to be more successful in life. Don't just look at it once, use it as a reference, it has worked wonders for me!!
keep reading high way code,,so you have lots ov confidence to pass ok,and do the disc for passing your test on pc,,and good luck with the test,,ps;don,t forget to cancell indicators on test.

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