Sunday, August 22, 2010

I need advice on how to get my 14 year old to quit being such a picky eater?

A year ago she used to eat meat now she refuses. She only wants to eat french fries, peanut butter or cheese wraps.She says she likes salads, and vegetables but when offered to her she complains. Tried serving morningstar and boca meals to her, sometimes she'll eat it and othertimes she'll complain. Tried serving beans same result. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to deal with this situation?I need advice on how to get my 14 year old to quit being such a picky eater?
Give her two options for a meal. If she refuses them both than dont fix her anything. She isnt a ';child'; anymore. If she wants to act like a 2 year old let her, but dont go making her 5 meals to make her happy. Let her complain in her room. She wont starve and will eat when she is hungry. Unless of course she has one of those stupid eating disorders. check into that. My 2 year old dont even get his way. He either eats what I fix or waits till next meal. I dont play games or let my kids control me. But most times I let him pick out of two meals, what he wants to eat. If he dont want neither than he can throw a fit and go hungry. She is too old to be doing that crap. Best luckI need advice on how to get my 14 year old to quit being such a picky eater?
Great! And you are very welcome...I know alot of people disagreed with me so I am surprised I was the best answer for you. Best luck hun!

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My parents always said ';eat it or wear it';. and let me tell you they were dead serious. I used to just plug my nose and eat the food..... lol
We as adults ';know'; that taste-buds change throughout our life times...So given time hers will too! You eat the same food long enough you get sick of it and you desire something else and so you change the food(s) you eat...So will she after a period of time...The only thing I'd worry about, is if she's eating nothing but fattening foods. Because the weight you put on in youth WILL carry on into adulthood and get worse as you get older...Just give it some time and after a while she will change to eating different foods just for variety.
I can send you a photo of a vegetarian friend of mine whom only eats the exact same stuff (and the occasional non-vegetarian hot dog). Maybe that will get her to eat salad.

He used to be attractive when he was your daughters age. A decade later, he is now a fat, unhealthy, lazy slob (sad but true) with health %26amp; drug problems that have kept him from having any sort meaningful or successful relationship.

A little dramatic, but hey this story may help.

But teens dont listen. They think they know everything until theyre 25 and realize that mom and dad were right all along! :-P
Bring her to the grocery store with you and together pick out what she's going to eat. When it's time for dinner, have her prepare it with you. And then if she refuses to eat it, it's only her fault.

Don't let her have anything else.

Take away her allowance if she's spending it on junk food at school.

Ask her what she wants to eat, and why.

Ask her teachers or a counsellor at her school for suggestions.

Find out what her friends and classmates eat.

Make sure you're only eating good food so you set a good example.

Don't have bad food like french fries available in the house.
sneak the stuff she's not eating into the things she's eating. like, when using breading on chicken, slice up really thin pieces of vegetables and roll it along. If that doesnt work, tell her if she continues picky eating she wont survive to be 16.
French fries, peanut butter, and cheese wraps don't have any nutritional value. Since she's 14, she relies on you to do the grocery shopping, as she doesn't have a driver's license. If you don't keep your refrigerator/cupboard stocked with these foods, she won't eat them.

I would buy whole grains (whole grain pasta, bread), fruit and vegetables, low-fat yogurt %26amp; cheese, and start making meals that incorporate these items. You can make tasty yet nutritious meals. For instance, a whole grain pita with Trader Joe's fat-free pizza sauce (or another brand), fat-free mozerella, and healthy toppings (onions, green peppers, tomato chunks). Pop it in the oven and you've got a healthy but delicious pizza.
ask her what she wants to eat and when you go to the grocery store buy it
Not to compare her to my 6 yr old.....but I am gonna because it is relevant, Sorry.

What we do w/ our six yr old is what we have that meal is what he gets. He is allowed only what we serve. I refuse to cater to his pickiness. If he does not eat he goes to bed hungry. We offer him healthy snacks between meals but often he will not eat those either. But he has found many more things he actually likes that he never would have tried if we had not been such sticklers. So in the wonderful words of his pediatrician...';They will eat when they get hungry enough.'; Sometimes hunger is the best spice. Good luck! It's hard to be tough, but don't ever let them forget that momma and daddy's the boss! LOL


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