Thursday, August 19, 2010

Any advice on how my friend can get her kitty to come home?

My friend is heart-broken. Her cat has been gone for almost a week. He is about three years old and is an out-door/in-door cat. How can she entice him to come home?Any advice on how my friend can get her kitty to come home?
Has your friend looked for the cat? Walked around the neighborhood, talked to neighbors, put up fliers of the cat? Checked the shelters? That's what she should be doing at this point. Good luck, I hope she finds her kitty.Any advice on how my friend can get her kitty to come home?
The chances are he will just stroll in one day. If he isn't neutered he is probably looking for a mate, tell your friend to have him done when he does come home as he won't stray far after that. If he uses a litter tray, tell her to put it outside the door, he will recognise his own scent if he's nearby. I've done lost and found for Cats Protection and I say never give up hope, sometimes a cat will come home after months !

Meanwhile put up posters and ask around if anyone has seen him and phone the local vets and rescue shelters incase someone has taken him in.

I do hope he comes home soon.
You can never ';entice'; a cat to come home. As long has he hasn't been killed by a car and is fine he should come home on his own.

In future when and if he does come home a trick I learned was tapping a bowl. When you feed your cat tap the bowl with a spoon as you put it down in front of them, do this every time you feed, this way the cat will associate the tapping bowl with food. This works if the cats are outside somewhere, or hiding inside, we used to use it to call our cats inside if we couldn't find them, worked like a charm.

I hope your friends cat comes back, our cat disappeared for 2 weeks shortly after we moved, and one day she just showed up.
he'll come back when he's hungry.unless some lil old lady is feeding him somwhere suggest putting up posters in local shops n the like.
Take some used litter and make trails with it. Hopefully that will help

I have heard of it working before

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