Sunday, August 22, 2010

My father wants to open a trucking company any advice on how to go about doing so?

My father already has two semis' and has been wanting to open a trucking company, one that dispatches truckers around the states? Is there anything you would advise, whether it be a book or a site. As well how would one get the insurance for trucks and their cargo's. I've seen that Progressive Direct offers Commercial Insurance how does that work? As, well as how does one get the loads? Thank you for all your help!My father wants to open a trucking company any advice on how to go about doing so?
Go to and in the upper left hand corner, enter your zip code. On the next screen, you will find the SCORE chapter nearest you. Call them and arrange for a free meeting with a SCORE counselor.

SCORE ';Counselors to America's Small Business'; is a nonprofit association dedicated to educating entrepreneurs and the formation, growth and success of small business nationwide. SCORE is a resource partner with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).

SCORE was founded in 1964 and is headquartered in Herndon, VA and Washington, DC and has 389 chapters throughout the United States and its territories, with 11,500 volunteers nationwide. Both working and retired executives and business owners donate time and expertise as business counselors. SCORE is America's premier source of free and confidential small business advice for entrepreneurs.

My father wants to open a trucking company any advice on how to go about doing so?
He might talk to some of the contract truckers. I'm sure he would like to know all the ins and outs. For the most part, staying independent can be costly right now. Most trucking companies don't like to share their secrets. It all falls into the area of bidding and delivering. He might want to bide his time until the fuel prices settle out a bit more. We're planning a move cross country and the prices vary from state to state by as much as 25 cent per gallon. Perhaps if he took some in state contract jobs to build up his reputation for on time delivery he could go from there. Starting you own business right now is risky at best. I was about to launch one here and the gas prices stopped me cold.
I'm a proponent for contacting your city's or area's small business development center. They have a lot of classes and information from people who have helped others create, develop and open small businesses..or tell them why their idea might not work. google sbdc and your city/state.
May I suggest

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