Monday, August 23, 2010

I really want to learn yoga,any advice on how to start?

If you live around LI do you know any good places I could go to at a good price or cheap books/videos? In my family no one is energetic like me so they dont know what its like to have really tense muscles. I hear yoga helps relieve tension and stretches all the muscles in the body. Id love to learn and made it my new years resolution too. PLEASE HELPPPP!I really want to learn yoga,any advice on how to start?
First thing, open phone book.I really want to learn yoga,any advice on how to start?
Yoga is great for relieving tension and stretching the muscles. I'm a big fan of Rodney Yee's videos, which can be found at But there are plenty of other options available.

I have links to actual pose sequences and explanations on how to perform the poses on my blog at Hopefully that helps. You might also want to check out

take classes, look on the internet etc.

I know at our local leisure center, its like $2 per day per class.

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