Sunday, August 22, 2010

Anyone have advice on how to cure a canker sore?

I have a big canker sore on my lower lip and its KILLING ME! Any advice on how to clear it up quick?Anyone have advice on how to cure a canker sore?
anyone can have canker sores. the cause of canker sores are still unknown except for women in which it is cause by high levels of hormones. canker sores will just go away after a week or two. but just pay extra attention to your dental health hygiene brush and floss daily to prevent the growth of bacteria that may infect the sores. for relief from discomfort you may use oral health products and i suggest that you choose the ones that are made from natural ingredients as they do not contain harsh ingredients that may cause irritation. for sever cases you may see your dentist for professional recommendations and treatments. to know more about canker sores just visit http://www.themouthdoctor.caAnyone have advice on how to cure a canker sore?
Well besides the obvious, avoiding irritating spicy foods the quickest way to get rid of a canker sore is to expose it to air. So open up your mouth even if it looks funny and let enough air inside so that you keep the canker sore dry. It will dry heal much faster.

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