Sunday, August 22, 2010

I need advice quick. How can I fight back a family who is breaking in to my home?

I have lived with my father for the past 6 years, to help him with everything since my mother died. I also run his business which is left to me to keep running after he passes. My brothers and sisters don't like this. Recently, my father took a turn for the worse and is now in the hospital without much time left. My ';family'; has fought everything I'm trying to do to help him. One of my brothers is a licensed, bonded locksmith. He and the rest of them (4 others) went to our home, changed the locks, added dead bolts, and ransacked all of our rooms. especially mine. My kids and I were locked out for 3 days before I called the Sherriff. They wont arrest any of them. Say's it's a civil matter.??? None of them had permission to be there at all. I had certain orders from my father on what to do if he passed or became hospitalized and I couldn't even do that for him. My father still doesn't even know what my locksmith brother did to his home. I need to fight back. How can I do it? help!I need advice quick. How can I fight back a family who is breaking in to my home?
The police lied to you. They cannot lock you out of your own home. You live there and that gives you the right to enter. If they live there too, then you can't throw them out without getting your father's signature and going through the eviction process. You may not be able to do anything about what they already did now, but get your father's signature to make sure it doesn't happen again. He must have a will right a way. Don't let another day pass you by. And next time, don't wait 3 days to get back in. As soon as they do something like that, call the authorities. If they don't help you then, contact a lawyer. They may direct you to who you need to talk to or what you need to do. The police saying it is a civil thing about locking you out is wrong. They can force you siblings to let you in the house. However, if you want to do anything else about it, you will need to contact a lawyer.I need advice quick. How can I fight back a family who is breaking in to my home?
It is unfortunate to hear about the situation, people get greedy around money and inheritance, you should retain a attorney right now no if and or buts,

Now is their a will? has anything been transferred already? as long as you have proof of residency at the place IE mail you have a legal right to be housed,

after your father passes away it will depend on how the place is titled, is there a will or does the whole place pass by the state statute if this is true you need a lawyer, because if no will, everything will be disperse by not what your father said verbally bit state statute and equal split between all your siblings
The sheriff is wrong. Contact the county prosecuting attorney.
Your biggest issue is that you waited three days to report the problem after you discovered it. Any evidence of the crime is now suspect.
Consult a lawyer, and see what your legal options are in this matter.
Contact an attorney as soon as possible!!!
talk to a lawyer. you also need to set up cameras out side the home. this way you will have proof. did your father write it all on paper? if not you need to write his wishes down and have him sign it in front of a lawyer. good luck
What kind of weapons do you have at your disposal?
You need to hire an attorney.
You need a power of attorney form or some other written authorization to prove that your father left all of the property and the home and business to you, or you won't have a case with the cops or in civil court. Once you have that, take THAT to the police and they will have to arrest your brother for breaking and entering, home invasion, and theft/ burglary. Then you need to take the same paperwork to a probate lawyer who can actually initiate the papers to remove them from the house.

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