Monday, August 23, 2010

I want some advice on how to kick start my cycling career?

Depending on your ride, a good bike will help. At first it is important to take it easy, so ride short distances with your bike to start with and see how you get on with it. It is important to warm up before long rides. A nice exercise to do is to get on your bike and ride for ten minutes at normal speed and then speed up for a very short distance. You keep doing this but trying to ride longer and longer distances as you speed up. Once you've warmed up, you can then start your true journey for miles and miles without you ever noticing it. Well, I mean after you train for some time and get your body into some shape. Just do not push yourself that hard as you start with it. At first you will find it hard to keep up with the pace and you will surely stop every now and again to catch your breath, but do not worry, this is normal. The thing is you keep doing it, I mean one day after the other, come hell or high water. I am not saying you will enrol with the tour of France in three months time, but you'll be surprised how good you can do as time goes by.

If you want to have a good riding experience, my advice is you train first on a cheap bike and then try your worth with a more expensive one. If you love bikes, I mean, if you are a true biker, so to speak, you will surely take pleasure in taking this step forward. I hope it helps.

PS. When I say ';cheap'; I do not mean ';anything';. You should grow very suspicious on anything under 拢2000 for a full suspension bike and 拢1000 for a hardtail one (whether for off-road or not). Some 拢300/拢400 is more than enough for your first bike if you know what to do with your money. And please, do not buy your bike at Toys r us or Halfords.I want some advice on how to kick start my cycling career?
Start riding your bike a lot. For example, ride my bike to school every day. Also, find a local road race or charity run you can ride your bike in. I want some advice on how to kick start my cycling career?
Get a decent bike.

Start riding often.

Join some local clubs and keep trying to progress.
What is a cycling career?

Can I have a car career?, can my mate have a bus career?
I am too overwhelmed with Information to give you any details.
join a club, get advice.
Get on your bike
get off yahoo and go ride

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