Thursday, August 19, 2010

Any advice on how to avoid becoming dehydrated?

I recently moved to a city that is very hot and humid. (I'm from Southern California and I'm not used to this kind of weather.) What can I do to avoid becoming dehydrated? Thank you. I will definitely give ten points to the best answer.Any advice on how to avoid becoming dehydrated?
Other than the obvious, ';Chug water all day long.'; I got nothing. But, I used to live in Key West and there was nothing worse than going into a store to buy a nice cold bottle of water... and then five minutes outside in the scorching sun it would be warm. So I would take bottles of water and fill them halfway, and stick them in the freezer overnight. If I knew I was going to be outside alot the next day, I would do one half full and one completely full. Then when you get ready to leave the next day, you fill up the remaining half bottle and grab the completely frozen one. The half ice one will stay cold for quite awhile, and when that one is done you have the other one half thawed out. Pretty simple, but it beats the heat. The clothes you wear will definitely add unnecessary discomfort in hot humid climates also.Any advice on how to avoid becoming dehydrated?
Yawn. To think, the food that keeps you alive could go to feed a more worthy human who has a FUNCTIONAL brain.

Drink water...........
Okay, the first obvious is water. Also fresh fruits are wonderful about hydrating your system. Especially things like watermelon and grapes.
You need to drink at least 3 litres of water per day. I drink about 2 litres and they tell me I'm still dehydrated.
Drink 64 oz (8 cups) of water.
Drink plenty of water and sports drinks with electrolytes in them. Stay in the shade when you can or indoors if there's A/C.
Don Colbert, MD has a book out called ';The seven pillars of Health'; In it there is a whole chapter (chapter one) about water and hydration. I got it for Christmas and It is an informative and eye-opening read. You will find a descriptive medical (yet practical!) answer in that book.. Good luck, hope this helps.
Drink water
You left me here.. still in southern california.. drink plenty of water.. and eat well, you should be ok!! Congratulations on getting out of here.. from southern california.
Drinking definitely helps!!!!
Hot and humid? You had a greater chance of natural dehydration from living in SoCal (hot and dry) than in your new locale.

A good rule of thumb.... if you are thirsty, have a drink. A hyrdation drink. (alcohol and sodas are dehyrdating drinks)

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