Monday, August 23, 2010

Can someone give me advice on how to strategize in Warcraft 3?

I've just started playing Warcraft 3 and I want to know what the best strategy is for winning at the game.

I prefer using Night Elf, but I can easily switch to another race.

Thank you so much for the help!Can someone give me advice on how to strategize in Warcraft 3?
First and foremost learn hot keys, it's a lot faster than clicking, since you like to play NE I will focus mostly on them, but I will say the best way to learn everyone's strength and weakness is to play all races, this is why I always play random. I been ranked up as high as 9 in a team latter so I like to think I know what I am saying. Remember one thing, there is no one race that is stronger than the other, there are some that are stronger in certain aspects but like any good Strategy game, it is a paper rock scissors, and on top of this, maintaining your gold/lumber supply and doing good recon is also key to winning.

Nightelf strengths lies Primarily mostly in range and Air, bears and Mountain Giants are good units but the fact is it's a slow tech to get to there, so if you play team games unless your ally is NE too or UD you will probably going range and air.


For a basic build if I am not rushing or harassing, I like to take my 6th wisp and build a well, and my 7th wisp making my alter, 8th wisp ill build a Tier 1 tree. If I am rushing, I Put 3 wisp on gold and take my other 2 wisp to build a moon/alter, 6th a tier 1 tree and put my next 2 on gold then start putting them on wood. Whichever you do I pretty much get up to 13-15 wisp on wood/gold with 5 food for hero this means your food will be 18-20 and you will need another well built so you can start pumping out units. There really is a lot of variation in your start, some people like to go straight for huntresses, I like to at least get 3 or 4 archers before I get those.

So instead of writing a book on all the different builds and strategies that branches off from this start off I am going to give you a list of units what they are good against and not.

Archers/Hunts - Archers will get owned by Melee but good against air, Huntresses are decent against melee tier 1 but suck against anything Tier3

Dryads - Since magic can't hurt them they are really good anti air against chims/frost dragons and griffs but they die fast and easily against human morts or any other things like catapults. Plus they die fast against melee, so they need to be protected.

Bears - Very good Melee unit but of course weak against air and magic, so if your ally goes heavy on magic air based units, don't rely on them

Mountain Giants - Good survival units and good protection units for your dryads but against a skilled player their taunt isn't as good because a smart player will ignore your slow swinging MG's and move past them to take out your range, if you have 4-5 giant's and rotate taunt around you can help counter that.

Griffons - Great Anti Air unit, except against undead with fiends because they will let them down, same for a orc with lots of raiders, if that is the case then focus on getting dryads for Anti Air. You can also use them to mount archers with, this a strategy that will either save you or kill you, depends how smart your ally is and how fast you get griffon riders.

Chims - They only attack ground so they are best at taking out melee units, that's where most people fail at using them. you need to use chims to kill melee, to many people use chims to kill AA. By killing the ground fast, you allow your melee units to take out the AA. If you have a army of them and have the corrosive acid upgrade you can take out buildings really fast, very nice to running in and taking out a town hall when an army is away, so your allies can't teleport to save their base, by the time most of them run there you can wipe out their base and teleport yourself f back home.

Druids of The Talon - I like to get 1 or 2 because fairy fire is useful in more ways than one, as far as building heavy use of them I don't care much for that unless I was in a all air game which is really rare. Their tornado ability is useful to a degree but I rather build units that kill rather than disable.

Well I hope this is enough to get you started, only thing I can say is keep practicing, the more you play the better you will be.
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