Sunday, August 22, 2010

I am going to start eating raw foods. Any advice, recipes, how to start?

Hi everyone, within the last few weeks I have been researching natural cures, detoxing, and raw foods. From what I have seen it is an extremely healthy way to live. I am going to ';ween'; myself off cooked foods and am looking for a good way to start into raw foods. As well as recipes I could try. I am going to try to start off with some simple ones. :)

Thank you very much!I am going to start eating raw foods. Any advice, recipes, how to start?
Veggie Spring Roll =)

This vegetarian Chinese-style spring roll recipe uses shiitake mushrooms and soy sauce for a very Asian flavor. You can also learn how to wrap spring rolls by following my illustrated step-by-step instructions here.


1/3 green cabbage, chopped into thin pieces

2/3 cup fresh bean sprouts

1/2 cup snow peas, sliced into thin strips

3/4 cup shiitake or portabello mushrooms, sliced thin

3 scallions, chopped

2 carrots, grated

2 tbsp soy sauce

1 tbsp sesame oil

one bunch fresh mint

spring roll wrappers



Combine all ingredients (except for wrappers and water) in a large mixing bowl, stirring well to coat the veggies with soy sauce and sesame oil.Submerge spring roll wrappers in water until pliable one at a time.Place 2 to 3 tablespoons in wrappers. Place two or three mint leaves on top and wrap your spring rolls. Serve with a dipping sauce.I am going to start eating raw foods. Any advice, recipes, how to start?
Raw foods are very good for you, but eating some cooked foods is also very healthy. What is it you are trying to cure? Certain foods, whether cooked or raw, are not good for certain diseases. Fruit and vegie salads with seeds and nuts are my favorite raw foods that are part of a balanced diet (carbs, protein, vits %26amp; minerals). Don't forget a good source of calcium and protein if you go raw.

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