Thursday, August 19, 2010

Can someone give me advice on how to check my cervix positioning?

I feel like I'm about to start my period, even though we have been ttc #1. This next time around I'd like to add ';checking the position of my cervix'; but I don't have a clue how to do it or what I'm looking for. We've been using OPK's for a few months and they don't seem to be doing the trick so I thought this would be a more natural way to go about it. I don't get very much CM so it's almost impossible for me to check that. Can anyone tell me how exactly to check my cervix postion and what I'm looking for? Thanks a ton!Can someone give me advice on how to check my cervix positioning?
Here's a link I found for you. Hope it helps: someone give me advice on how to check my cervix positioning?
Cervix Position (CP) is a secondary, optional fertility sign.

The cervix changes throughout the menstrual cycle in response to the hormone, estrogen.

During non-fertile times, the cervix is closed, firm and low.

As ovulation approaches and fertility is high, the cervix opens up, becomes soft and high and is harder to reach.If you choose to check your cervical position as an indicator of fertility here are some guidelines:

To avoid the possibility of infection, always check your cervix with clean hands.

Check the cervix once a day after menses. You only need to check once a day, unlike cervical fluid which you may check several times a day.

Check your cervix at the same time every day as it may change throughout the day.

Use the same position for checking your cervix throughout the cycle as changing positions will change your observation of cervical height.

Empty your bladder before checking your cervix.

Squatting or placing one foot on a stool (or toilet seat) are good positions.

Relax. (You will be able to more easily relax as you gain more experience).

Insert one or two fingers into the vagina. At the back of the vagina, you should be able to feel your cervix. You have found your cervix when you feel something at the back of your vagina that stops your fingers. If you apply gentle pressure you will notice that it feels smooth, round and firmer that the surrounding vaginal tissues.

Feel your cervix and make the following observations:

Is the cervix high or low? (It is more difficult to reach when it is high.)

Does the cervix feel soft or firm?

Does the cervix feel open or closed? (Women who have already had children may notice that the cervix always feels slightly open).

Does the cervix feel wet or dry?

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