Thursday, August 19, 2010

Advice on how to stop the weeds?

From growing like mad in my garden. I have pulled, and dug them out. Any advice? Serious answers only.Advice on how to stop the weeds?
for this summer use a weed killer (with a rag, if you use a spray it will kill your plants)

next spring replace your top soil, and use mulchAdvice on how to stop the weeds?
The obvious answer is PREEN.

However the best solution is to get Roundup, some gloves, put it in a can/jar and dip a rag in it and wipe the weeds.

Don't even think of pulling or cutting them as you want them to continue to have good leaves for the Roundup to work.

Do it today. Wait about 3 days, do it again. Then wait about a week and do it again. It's a monthly thing from then on. Don't even pull out the dead weeds for a month.鈥?/a>
Keep digging them out unless you want harmful chemicals like Killex or Roundup.
The best way is to learn from this years experience and do things differently next year.

After frost, till the garden area and wait a coupld of weeks and spry with the entire plot with roundup. If you have enough compost or mulch, cover the entire plot with mulch or compost.

Next spring start all your plants in starter cups. Put down black plastic and aftr the last danger of frost, cut a small slit in the plastic and insert your plant. If needed fertilize with Miracale Gro.

I compost everything except cans and plastic. Household garbage, newspapers , junk mail, grass clippings etc, all go into my compost pile. When you have doen this for about three years, you will not need the plastic.

The best taste is all the world is home cooking from home grown vegetables .
black plastic around each plat on the ground should do it before plants are big but cut a split to center then hole where plant comes through!
I use weed-b-gone.It is excellent for clover too.
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