Thursday, August 19, 2010

Just had a baby 7 weeks ago and attending online school. Need advice on how to not get frustrated?

I find myself getting frustrated because I am a single parent doing everything on my own and it always seems like when i need to do my homework or eat or even take a shower, my baby wakes up. Sometimes i feel like i could just scream but i dont of course. How do you handle it? How do you cope with everything and still stay sane and not lose your temper or your mind?Just had a baby 7 weeks ago and attending online school. Need advice on how to not get frustrated?
You can easily compare info about these schools in this site - universities.atwebpages.comJust had a baby 7 weeks ago and attending online school. Need advice on how to not get frustrated?
I'm a single mom too.. The fortunate thing is that my boy is already 4years old.. Coping as a single mom is not easy.. Currently i'm taking part time studies in a local uni and i work full time.. Your baby is only 7 weeks old.. it is not easy.. You can try to get family's help while you get your things done. Alternatively, you could start observing your baby's daily routine.. Try to arrange your time to cope to the baby's needs.. eg: try to avoid doin your homework or eat or shower when the baby is going to ask for milk, time to poo and etc..

Occasionally go out for a walk with your baby.. Get to know other mommy around the place you stay.. Getting someone to talk to will do you good
Oh I feel your pain. I have a 7 week old to and there are some days where I can't even shower! I am a single parent also but my mother does help me out on the weekends so I can sleep a bit. It's very difficult. I cry sometimes because I feel alone without having any alone time for myself. I don't know, I am struggling also. The only certainty I have is that I know once I feed my baby, he will be good for 2 hours so thats when I can do anything I need to do. He also is on his own little schedule but I try to keep him up in the evening with a bath or anything I can do so he can sleep better at night.
omg girl I was there about 7 months ago lol I had to take a break because it was just too much. Like you, it seemed as if everytime I had to do my homework etc.. my baby would wake up N cry and I had to pay attention to her because if not she would keep on crying.... I would go to bed at like 6 or 7 in the am finishing up hw and i was soooo damn exausted!! but my advice to you is dont stress try to do as much as you can when you get the chance.... but if it becomes too overwhelming talk to councelors or the teachers at school and tell them you will just need to take the rest of the semester off and trust me they will understand... thats what I did and they were very understanding =-) just one semester wont hurt... anywho goodluck babe and trust me it will get better congrats on your baby %26lt;33333333
Just realize that it will get easier. My baby is 8weeks and it seems like she is getting a schedule down. At midnight I put her in her crib whether she is awake or not and she sleeps until morning.

There have been times when I just feel like leaving her home alone and going for a walk when she is screaming, but I tell myself that is her only way of communicating. It is stressful, but it gets easier. Some times if she is crying I will just go in my kitchen for a break and leave her in the room.

Find a relative or friend who can help you. That was the best thing for me.
i have a 19 month old little boy and i felt the same way you did. i personally thinkthat sometimes when you can not keep your cool just put the baby in the bed where he or she is safe and sound and let them cry. make sure the baby is not hungry, dirty, or sick, hurting. honestly you sometimes need a break. when my son was 2 months old i remeber crying in the bathtube because it was my first shower in a week and my son had just woke up when i turned the water on. so in the result of my stress that i had i started smokeing and when i became frustrated i would put him in the bed and smoke a cigg and by the time i was done with that it was almost like i was renewed. it only was a 5 min break but it was a break. good luck. and sometimes its ok to let him or her cry. thats one thing i had to learn by my self that no one told me.
my friend have twin and she is very brave about it. the love she have for her babies gave her the strength. I know it's hard but it will get better. if you could get one of those baby swing, it will help to keep her quiet so you can get something done. good luck my dear.
that's happens with me too. if you don't want to sleep while baby is asleep try to do as much as possible when he/she is asleep.hope my answer was helpful.
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