Thursday, August 19, 2010

Any advice how to connect with my girlfriend's daughter?

I have a girlfriend who has a daughter and I would really like to have a good relationship with her as well as my girlfriend. Any actives or tidbits of advice on things i could do to make a good connection? Of course, I'm not trying to replace her biological dad, but she'll be seeing more of me, so I want her to know that she is in my heart as well.Any advice how to connect with my girlfriend's daughter?
Just be nice to her, but don't over-do it or as you already said, don't try to be like her dad. Any advice how to connect with my girlfriend's daughter?
Just be nice to her and show her you care about her just as much as you do for her mom. When you go out with her mom take her along, maybe see a movie she would like. Pick her up from daycare or preschool (if she goes) every once in while. Have days for just the two of you. As you said don't try to replace her dad but assume some of the daddy roles such as teaching her new things, tucking her into bed, teaching her to fly a kite or ride a bike, and also being a good father figure for her. Just be yourself and show her you are interested in being in her's and her mother's lives.
have one day a week or afternoon that is your time just you and her, go out to lunch, go to the playground anything but no mom, quality time, that is the best way but it is important it be just you and her, maybe mom could go to the spa or out with her friends i bet mom would love the brake too, you win with both woman it is a win win
Just include her in things you do. My daughter is 10. She loves to go bike riding, fishing, walking the dogs, etc.

Make sure that if she does something you don't like, don't be too hard on her. Sit her down and explain why you are bothered by what she's done.

Give her hugs goodnight, play board games, etc.

I hope the age range I have given you isn't too young.
maybe do special days where you take her out and do some kind of fun activity thats all about her. i bet she would love that. on any other day just spend time withher and do some quality time liek drawing ot talk or playing a game.
3 year olds are easy to get along with and to impress. Just smile at her a lot, take her outside and just be genuinely interested in her and she will love you.
I met my husband’s daughter when she was 1 yr old. I brought along a Tigger toy and it was NOT to buy her love but to give us something to talk about. Something we could play with together. And she’s now 5 yrs old and STILL has that Tigger toy. She doesn’t use it or cuddle up with it, but she will bring it to me and say, “I remember when you gave this to me!” And smiles.

My advice is to just be you! Don’t try to be someone you aren’t because obviously that’ll come out in the end. And you want her to like you for you. Kids love to be silly and be kids. I’m always the one to be crazy with my stepdaughter and we have an awesome bond between us. She will always be my “first” child regarless of whether I gave birth to her or not.

You’ll be fine. Best of luck!!

** ADD **

Also just to add, I always had a special activity my stepdaughter and I did every other weekend when she’d come over for visitation. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it was OUR thing. We went grocery shopping every Sat morning and we’d go in our PJ’s. We’d buy breakfast as well as everything else we needed and we’d go home and make breakfast for Daddy and ourselves. Again, it may be lame to some people, but she’s 5 yrs old and still looks forward to our little grocery shopping trips.

If you can find something along these lines and make it special or fun each time she sees you, she'll look forward to each and every visit. And just to add, it does NOT have to be something that costs money....

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