Thursday, August 19, 2010

I am frustated of my staff members who are not interested in doing any work. Plese advice how to treate them?

The staff members are creating nusense and making me more irritation.I am frustated of my staff members who are not interested in doing any work. Plese advice how to treate them?
If you are a manager I would say fire them...if they are not working what are you paying them for. If you are just talking about other coworkers then I would say just ignore them and do your job- don't worry about anyone elseI am frustated of my staff members who are not interested in doing any work. Plese advice how to treate them?
there is not a lot of info to go on here

if you are the manager and NONE of your staff is working for you, then you are the problem and you have to learn how to communicate to them to get them to work

what is their job function? cleaning, sales, stock?

make it known that the best employees at their jobs will get the most hours or allow the best employees to pick the best shifts.

no one wants to work on a Friday or a Saturday night in sales, so allow the ones who are working the hardest to have those times off. if the ones that are not working hard continue to slack, hire replacements and fire the dead beats
maybe you can just fake talking in the phone in front of them , someone is callingyou because is really intersested working with you, and when you hang up the phone tell them, you see alot of pleople would like to work here, so maybe you should star showing better results in your work cause I don't have any problem replacing people here,
Some how money or incentives are not what the employess look for. A good working environment is very important. Take your team out for an outing. Try to make work fun for them. If you team if full of boys then get few girls in your team (visa-versa). make ur team feel that they are very important and give each one of them key resposibilities.

Make them a part of the client interactions and few business meetings.

Its a sence of resposibility thats required. Dnt get fustrated rather get a open house meeting with your team. Take them out for a drink and have a talk to them. It helps and remember that in corporate field you always have to play your cards well :)

Good luck

There's a difference between coming to work and Coming TO WORK. If all they are interested in is when they get paid, when can they take their break and ';can I leave early?';, you don't need them. Get rid of them and fill their jobs with people who understand the difference.
You need to let them know you are monitoring how much work they accomplish, I like the idea of incentives. Above all, you should be an example of good hard work, and they might feel guilty watching you work hard and decide to work harder themselves.

u are not alone with this dilemma . in india employee treat job as a right to receive charity

throw a couple of them even if u have to trump up charges

if the say are frustrated have no interest tell them to go to terrorists groups
Are you the boss here???? If so, you should have been trained to handle this sort of situation per your company policies.

If you are a staff member yourself, blow it off. Do your work, and shine @ it.
why not introduce an employee of the month scheme giving gift vouchers for the store of their choice for like best attendance best idea to get more business the possibilities are endless
What about some sort of incentive program. Maybe have a sales contest with a bonus or something.
This is first time in my life ..when employees are not working properly and seniors(Employer) are helpless.

just do your work, and not theirs.


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