Thursday, August 19, 2010

Can anyone give me advice on how to get my 14 month old to sleep in his babybed all night?

Blake is 14 months, and he will go to sleep just fine in his bed with his warm milk, but its when he wakes up in the middle of the night that i run into a problem. I can make him another bottle and he will go back to sleep sometimes, but then again sometimes he just keeps crying at like 2:30 in the morning and he wont stop until i take him in the room with me. I know that i need to stop doing that because he cant sleep with us two forever. Also we have another baby on the way and i dont think our bed is big enough for all four of us! HELP!Can anyone give me advice on how to get my 14 month old to sleep in his babybed all night?
here's something to consider.鈥?/a>Can anyone give me advice on how to get my 14 month old to sleep in his babybed all night?
my sister had the same problem.

why dont you try putting a shirt of yours in the baby bed with him, so he can smell your scent, and this will comfort him alot through the night.

you really need to get out of the habit of bringing Blake into the bed with you and your husband, the bed is for you and your man, and not really a place for bub to sleep.

Its going to suck alot, but you could also try camping out in his room for a few nights, that way you are close to him, and he is aware of your presence, but he is still in his own bed.

If you do this for a few nights, little Blake might start to settle in his bed.

Good luck with it, just keep trying, he will eventually learn to sleep soundly in his own bed.
i had the same problem with my son when he was about that age. my doctor told me to comfort him without picking him up, reassure him that i still loved him and that he was okay. then tuck him back into bed and leave the room and shut the door. let him cry for 10 minutes, then go back into the room. don't say a word (that's the important part) and just tuck him back in again and leave the room. let him cry for 15 minutes then go back, and so on until he cries himself back to sleep. it'll be a horrible experience but just keep reminding yourself that it's for his own good. tyler (my son) only did it for a night or two and now he hardly ever wakes up in the middle of the night. Good Luck!!
my daughter is15 months old and she is just starting to sleep through the nigh again. She started sleeping through the night at about months then all of a sudden started waking up it took months for her to sleep through the night again. I rock her at night and we watch cartoons until she falls asleep then I put her in her bed, she wakes up ocassionally but not that often but she goes right back to sleep good luck
Put Blake's bed in your room for a while and he will be secure in knowing that when he wakes you are still there. Be patient with him but not put him in the bed with you ( this is dangerous). Reassure him when he wakes and go back to bed...he can see you but he does need to learn to sleep in his own bed. Also, my granddaughter did not like the baby bed w/ bars...sooo my son got her one of the big people beds made for little people. She loves this bed and has started to sleep in it through the night. Good Luck and remember to have patience with your little one.
First, you shouldn't put babies to be with bottles, it's not good for their teeth, and can cause ear infections, etc. Second, I hope he's on a sippy cup by now- our doctors told us at our son's year appt. that we should get him off the bottle asap, because by 15 months, you won't be able to get it away. So we did that right away, and it took 3 days (with no bottles, but crying for them with the sippy cup), but he took the sippy cup just fine and that's all he's been using now since.

Your son could be teething again- my son is 14 months as well, and teething yet again, so he will wake up in the middle of the night sometimes... so I get him, give him more milk if needed, and some tylenol if he's in serious pain... and then rock him back to sleep and put him back in his bed. If you train your son to sleep with you, that's the only place he will want to be. But I do notice by rocking my son back to sleep - or at least when he's closing and opening his eyes, I will lay him down in his crib, and he goes back to sleep for me. I know it's a lot of work, and wears you out, I get 4 hrs of sleep sometimes because he'll wake up so much... but usually that's when he's teething. When our son was first born up to 4 months, he was in our bed, but he was also very colicky - crying nonstop unless he was in our arms, and even crying then sometimes... anways, being that young is ok, but as our doctors said at 10 months, we really have to get him to sleep in his own bed (which he was at that time)... but he said otherwise, they will learn to sleep only with you and you will have a very hard time getting them in their own bed as they get older....

My brother is 11, and he STILL sleeps with my mom- mostly her fault, but he will not sleep on his own, and hasn't since he was a baby. So keep that in mind- your bed is for you and your partner, and the child needs to understand that when they get older. Plus, I know for myself, you don't get sleep when you have your son in bed with you- I have put my son in bed with me once since 4 months of age- and it wasn't too long ago, and he wiggled the whole time, I couldn't sleep. lol

I know I might sound a little harsh, but you are setting your child up now in these months, and you want to get them on good habbits, I feel these things are best for them.. I know you might feel bad for him, but you are setting yourself up for disaster later.

Goodluck, and try to get some rest when you can!
I had the same problem with my son. Only he'd wake up and just come crawl into bed with me. One reason why could be that he feels that having another baby on the way that he's going to lose his mommy. Sit with him or lay with him until he falls asleep again. Also I told my oldest that the baby I told my oldest that the baby I was having was his baby
with my son i found it easier to put a bottle of warm water in bed with him when i put him to bed ... or even some warm green tea the milk might be casueing him problems at night... i know my son couldn have anything but water at bed time or he has problems sleeping . His doctor couldnt give me a reason for it but after i started just water it cleared everything up... If your son wont tak just water add just a smll bit of juice and slowly add less and less juice till your just water
Hi. Blake has learned that when he cries in the middle of the night you will come get him and take him to your bed and get a bottle. I am assuming he is in a crib ... I don't think there is any way around it except to explain to your son each night before you lay him down that if he cries you will check on him once but that you will not take him from his crib or give him a bottle (unless of course he is really thirsty). And then stick to it. There will be an adjustment period ... but then he will get used to it. This was a difficult time for me and my husband. We stuck together through it.. and for our family it was the right decision. Before you know it you will all be sleeping through the night... that is until the new baby comes!
Letting them cry it out is the hardest thing in the world, but if he's not hungry, you're going to have to do it. It's the only way. It may take 2 or 3 nights, but he'll live... and you will sleep. Just remember, it's gonna be a hell of a lot harder if you wait till he's two!
Acid reflux could be the issue. Try putting something under the mattress to make it lift in the head area. I actually had to put my son in his car seat, inside the crib until his esophagus was strong enough to stop the acid reflux. He slep through the night with no problem, but had to be propped up a little. Your pillows in your bed are larger than his, so he's slightly inclined. That's the reason for him sleeping so well there. Try it for a few nights.
i don treally know but all i know is u need to get a king size bed

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