Thursday, August 19, 2010

I need some sound advice on how to believe that God cares for me?

I am healing from a lot of childhood abuse (sexual and physical) and I admit that I still bitter and angry about many things. I am trying forgive people (especially myself) but I still feel like I am not a purposeful part of God's creation. I am in therapist, I journal, and pray, but my heart seems to hurt or afraid to follow where my head and spirit is trying to lead it. How can I come to believe that God cares about me?I need some sound advice on how to believe that God cares for me?
There are a lot of spiritual meditations that could help you. I understand you are already in therapy, but I would suggest that you seek the counsel of a Priest who can talk you through these things. This is a very involved question, and I doubt that anyone one person can solve this for you over the internet.

However, the fact that people are responding and trying to help shows that we think you are meaningful. If God is in every Man, perhaps He has inspired us to stop and answer you.I need some sound advice on how to believe that God cares for me?
think about it this way...There was such a small chance that you would be born.that the sperm of you would be the one to make it at that very time..also you were born into the best species possible.humans. Now God is giving you a chance to make your life a lot better that it is now by letting you make it to heaven. No life can be better than that..You are so lucky to have everything in your life even though you were abused..God cares for every human being or he would have never had you been born(but he would love you greatly even if you were an absolutely terrible person) YOU DO have a purpose in this world, therefore YOU ARE part of God's great creation.
There is only one way, and that is believe, belief doesn't start by you saying ';Well, all the sudden this guy told me I would be saved so now I'm (insert religion name here)';, if you don't believe in God you don't believe in God, but if you do then you know that God has to deal with people that are near death and could die in a split second. God has to take care of others. YOU will NEVER be the one to blame for your abuse, your parent or guardian or whoever did it do you was. Think that it could always be worse and pray day and night, and NEVER blame someone else for your sins, it was your fault if you sinned, if you have had sexual abuse or physical abuse then YOU did NOT commit a sin.
You can't force belief. If you force it, it's not really belief. Consider the possibility that you don't need to believe in a god in order to lead a happy, productive, healthy life. Millions and millions of people do exactly that. Take control of your own life. Stand up and assert your own power over your own destiny and in this way you stop being a victim and it becomes much easier to live, forgive, and move on.
Just the fact that you are asking this question demonstrates that you are on the right track. Keep your heart open, and give your faith time to grow. You were chosen from eternity by God for a reason, and you are very much loved. You are right that the most important thing is to forgive yourself, because until you do then you are not ready to receive the gifts God wants to shower down upon you. God has tested and pruned you so that your flowering will be great when the time comes. You must be very strong. I encourage you to read the Bible, especially the gospels about Jesus. There are healing words there. We are all in this together, and I rejoice to see another seeker after the light. God bless you on your spiritual journey, let the rain come to water the garden of your soul.
Do what he says, go volunteer at a shelter, give out, instead of looking in, and soon your problems will not matter over helping others.

But that takes work

P.S. give your therapists fees to the poor, build a well in africa with it

Chris T
why would he have created you if he didnt love you? your struggles will make you be able to relate to non christians when giving your testimony.
Maybe you should abandon the whole notion of the existence of god since it seems to be causing you additional trauma.
Pray for a sign and he will show you his truth chills
bad things happen to people. but ultimately, God works through these bad things to bring about great and amazing things. if you let him, he will use your past experiences to make you into a stronger person and perhaps help you to help other people with similar pains. God has a plan for everyone and wants you to be happy. we live in a fallen world. God wants us to forget the past and not dwell on the bad things. he wants us to be free of the pain we've had. if anything happens, you can find comfort in that if you are saved, no matter what happens, you will have eternal life. God cares about everyone and doesn't want any of these things to happen to you. how can you know he cares? well, he is doing what he can to help you. but, sometimes there are some blocks to healing. bitterness and anger, and not being able to forgive people or yourself is a block to a happier and joyful life. you have it reversed: you have to forgive and change your perspective about the things that happened. only then can you believe that God cares about you.

God bless you, and i will praying for you, that you will find happiness and comfort from God.

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