Saturday, July 31, 2010

Advice about how to quit my job on good terms while on leave of absence.?

I am currently on Maternity leave and I may not return to work. I may get another job or I may decide that I just don't want to go back to the hell hole. I want to be able o use this job as a reference later. What is the best way to approach this?Advice about how to quit my job on good terms while on leave of absence.?
It is not unusual for new mothers to choose not to return to a job after maternity leave, so may not be unexpected by your employer.

You should give them as much notice as possible. Someone is obviously covering your work while you are on leave, and they are legally obligated to hold a position for you (although I don't think it has to be your exact position.) With plenty of notice, they can make arrangements and not think of you as someone who left them short handed at the last minute.

I don't know what kind of work you do, but these days companies are very wary about giving references. Most HR departments will only confirm dates of employment and job title. They may/may not say whether you are eligible to be rehired.

These days employers may ask for personal references. You should have at least 3, (5 if possible) and try to make sure one is someone who has managed you in the past. It could even be the boss of your boss if you are on good terms. Include co-workers who know the quality of your work.Advice about how to quit my job on good terms while on leave of absence.?
When leaving a job you should always give a two week notice. Otherwise you may not get the good reference you want. I know you don't want to go back but you may want to stick it out for 2 more weeks.

You can tell them that you feel you need to give your notice because you want to be home with your baby. Or if you'd rather be truthful about the matter, sit and talk with your boss and let him/her know that you really just feel like you are in need of a change.
You need to go in and discuss your options with your current employer. I would tell them that I have decied that staying at home with my baby is a top priority now but that you would like to leave on good terms. I would ask for a letter of reference and tell them how much you enjoyed the opportunity that thye gave you (even if you did not enjoy it.) Never burn a bridge! Always be as nice as possible. I would not see why they would not understand and write you a letter of reference as long as you were a good employyee, which I am sure you were. Make sure though it is a face to face conversation before you turn in you notice in writing. I would also hand in my notice face to face as well as a thank you card for the time you were there. Politeness never hurts esp. when possibly wanting to mov eon to a different job and need reccomendations. Good Luck to you and your new baby!
I did the same thing. I decided to quit while on maternity leave. I just called them and told them that me and my husband have decided that it would be best for me to stay home with the baby right now. It may also be good for you to write a letter of resignation and try to make it sound as positive as you can.
Are you being paid for your leave?If so they may not take to kindly to you leaving with pay and then not returning at all. Best to just quit, people leave their jobs all the time. It is their own bad form if they do not give you a reference but if you approach them nicely and say it is something to do with the distance, or too many hours, have some legitimate excuse ready but do ask for a reference as you hand in your notice. Good luck!
Honestly, the best way to do it is to be very professional, very honest and tell them the truth. Let them know you've decided that your family life is a much bigger priority to you right now, and ask them for a letter of reference. If you've been a good employee and have had a good record with them, they should have no issues giving you a reference later on.

I'm in the same situation myself, so I feel for you.
Wait until your leave is up and take the baby in to show off. While you're there, have a talk with your supervisor/boss/HR let them know that you've decided to stay home for a while. Ask for a letter of reference while you're there if you think you might need it in case staying home doesn't work out financially.
Just tell them the truth. I replaced a young lady on materinity in my current job and that was 5 years ago. Just be honest. Tell them you want to take time to be with your little one. Who are they to say anything if maybe 3 months down the road they got a call for a reference of may be decided you needed the money, wanted a break........who knows. Not their business. But just be polite and don't burn bridges. Good Luck.
Let them know that you can see having a job at the present time will be too demanding with your new baby [congrats btw] but you would like no hard feelings

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