Saturday, July 31, 2010

I am entering an eating competition soon does anyone have any advice of how to eat a lot quickly?

To be more specific it is the first of ten people to finish three foot long subways. Thanks for your help in advance.I am entering an eating competition soon does anyone have any advice of how to eat a lot quickly?
Eat before the contest. Starving oneself is unhealthy for the body, so eat light meals up until the contest.

Try to exercise regularly before the contest

Prior to the contest, consume as few liquids (water, soda, alcoholic beverages, etc.) as possible. This will only fill the stomach, creating less room for food.

To win an eating contest you need to stretch your stomach to fit more food in it more easily. The best way to stretch your stomach is to eat lettuce. It is mostly water and takes more calories to digest than it carries, so all it really does is stretch the stomach. In time, it's possible to eat three to four heads of lettuce in one sitting.

Also, boiled cabbage is equally good. Many professionals often go on a three or four day diet of nothing but cabbage as the gases in cabbage expand the stomach.

There is also a little-known technique to make more room in the stomach. After eating, when you begin to feel slightly full, stand up and wiggle your hips from side to side for 5-10 seconds. This makes the food go down your esophagus faster and squashes it up in your stomach.

If you're eating anything with bread, try dipping it in water first. It sounds strange, but it works! It makes the bread and anything else on it easier to eat, swallow, and digest.I am entering an eating competition soon does anyone have any advice of how to eat a lot quickly?
Advice: Don't choke and die.

I seriously doubt the prize for winning outweighs the possibility of death.
dont do it

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