Thursday, July 29, 2010

Does anyone have any advice on how to court a filipina girl at work?

Hi I been working at my store for a long time then a couple of months ago a very beautiful Filipino girl started working there. I only see her like 3 times a month. Does anyone have any advice on how to hit on her? She knows who I am due to me being a very charismatic person, but due to my shyness I'm unable to approach her and tell her how I feel. I do know she's single. This girl is the one.Does anyone have any advice on how to court a filipina girl at work?
First without more information I am not sure whether you are a westerner or whether this Filipina is in the Philippines?

However I will say this for you. You should try and find out a little about Filipino culture so when you break the ice you will be able to relate to her in some way. For example do you know what ';Tampo'; means? Do you understand how Filipinos go about avoiding conflict or unpleasant situations?

If you have only experienced western girls then you need to know they are nothing a like, and I mean nothing at all. I know because I am a Filipina that now lives in the U.S.

Try this site Melinda's Penpals and the threads I link to for more information on Filipina Culture.Does anyone have any advice on how to court a filipina girl at work?
learn a little about her culture...learn how to say a sentence or two in her language...this will give her some common ground to start from w/you...she might even think it's cute or endearing that you're making an effort...a witty, intelligent, and humorous male who's willing to take that extra step in order to start something relationship-wise...

what's the worse that could happen??? you'll either gain something you didn't have to begin with or you'll end up w/a great story for some time to come...

good luck....

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