Saturday, July 31, 2010

Advice on how to deal with boyfriend problems?

My boyfriend has more experience with relationships than I do. He's done stuff with girls that I've never done with guys. It makes me disappointed that when we kiss and do stuff together, I know that he's already done it before. Should I get over it, or do I have a good reason to cry at night sometimes? Advice on how to deal with boyfriend problems?
Don't worry about it at all. I'm a virgin and my boyfriend is not. I know how awkward or intimidated you feel because you haven't entered that ';uncharted territory'; before. it's perfectly normal to feel upset, but dont let it get to you. just know that if it was meant to work between him and last girls then he would still be with them but he chooses to be with you and thats all that matter. =]Advice on how to deal with boyfriend problems?
me and my bf have been dating for over 8 to 9 months and hes more experienced than i am just dont worry about i try not to but sometimes you just have to forget about it and move on.

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im on the opposite side of you. im my boyfriends first girlfriend, but i've had plenty before him and i feel terrible. i know for Tyler, my boyfriend, he's definetaly not happy, and he too has admited to crying because of it. he can't imagine someone else holding me, or kissing me the way he does. i think that the problem now is not your boyfriends previous relationships, but the one he's in now, with you. is he someone you could spend the rest of your life with? is he someone you could trust to never do anything with girls, except for you as long as you together? if you two are meant for each other, you will definatly be able to get over the fact that he has a past and focus on the future you two have together.
i guess it depends how far he's gone with another girl.

i know how you feel tho. when me and my boyfriend first got together, i thought that he had more experience than me. but it turned out that he really didn't. his (very jealous) ex-girlfriend made up a bunch of stories to tell me, to try to get him back. and she still makes up stories about me %26amp; him.

but what i'm trying to say is...don't feel bad, cause the past is the past. what's done is done. and if he's with you now, that's all that really matters. right?
I think you should totally get over it and find something exciting and new that maybe neither one of you has done before to blow his mind!!
get over it;

or break up, date some other guys, get some experience, and get back together with him to make yourself feel good.

which choice seems more sane?

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