Thursday, July 29, 2010

Any advice on how not to be nervous during a basketball game?

Im a (soon to be) junior in high school and i was cut last year from my basketball team. I played this year in aau ball with the guys and practiced all this summer. Everytime we run a play in practice or just play 5 on 5 pickup, i am fine and not nervous at all. When we are in a real game i am too nervous and suck and make stupid plays and get taken out right away. Any advice?Any advice on how not to be nervous during a basketball game?
Do 5 shots of whiskey before each game.Any advice on how not to be nervous during a basketball game?
I think you should just not think at all and play }i{
try exercising... maybe an organized sport of some sort...
I have the same problem. I mean during practice I can almost make shots left and right, but during a real game it's almost like I've never played before which is kind of sad. All you got to do is pretend like you're not competing and think like it's just a game with the guys. Just relax and think hey, ';I'm going to go out and do my best, if my best isn't good enough then they aren't good enough for me.'; It's that easy.
Take a huge crap before you go out to shoot around... I'm not being stupid, I'm dead serious...
Chew gum and be confident...dun think ur gonna win know ur gonna win and dat da game is urs.
jerk off
Take your game as close to the basket as your size will allow and concentrate on your game away from the ball. Hustle plays such as rebounding or setting good picks...even converting an easy layup that someone else set up will calm you down and allow you to play your real game. Sort of like establishing the running game in football to set up the pass.
lot of sick answers here... sorry you had to see them... but you can just stretch out or ask if you can sit out some time if you dont want to mess up.
stay cool and don't worry about what you're doing, what people think or how you feel. Just remeber it isn't that important. no one will remeber how you were in basketball in a couple of years.
being nervous is NOT the problem! there are many reasons for being nervous, some legitamate, some not so legitamate.. but being nervous is NOT the problem... in fact sometimes being nervous is good.. it forces you to ';bear down';..... although it is about baseball this subject is covered with great insight in charlie lau's book ';the art of hitting .300';[ get it at your library]. being nervous causes tention... and THAT is the problem.. tention can be countered by constant motion. to keep you muscules from getting tense keep moving..i'm much more a student of baseball than basketball so i cant give you specific tips on what to move and how , but keep your fingers hands and arms moving all the time .. and never stop your feet even if its a gental ';rocking'; back and forth.. maybe even run your mouth a little... one thing i can tell you is you cant be afraid to fail... you've got to be willing to strike out to hit well.. got to play aggressive to a fault .. then back off a little... also dont be afraid to say [out loud ] ';i want to win !';,';give me the ball';..even if you dont mean it.. and put things in perspective... it's only a game... and remember this , your probably harder on yourself than your team mates will be... when your team mates fail do you care that much??? just one more thing..PRACTICE!'; you cant think and play at the same time';[ to paraphrase yogi berra] know your plays so well that all you have to do is react, do what comes naturally, instinctively... this only comes from practice , so keep playing, force yourself into every game anyway you can and whatever happens will happen you just keep playing till someday everything will fall in place for you.. you cant just wish it ... hey this is the way i was in baseball..never did quite get the hang of it , but i made a great coach...and if thats your fate , believe me thats good enough.
try listening 2 some of ur fav songs on a CD before that game.. and just relax.. dont think so much bout the game before.. and just go out there and play dont think so hard bout it....

good luck
It's all in your head, homie. If you feel in your mind that you're gonna do bad, lose your handles on the ball, get crossed, get stripped, then that's exactly what's gonna happen. Go into the game with confidence. Before the game try imagining yourself doing well.
privately, ask god for help. With anything, nervousness is overcome by practice, and more practice, play more practice games try to gather an audience for practice so that when you are in a real game facing an audience, you won't be nervous. Good luck.
just be patient and eat something and a drink...
happens to me al the time ... remember that its just a game and it means nothing. after that then just kick ***
puke before the game
piss on ur hands. the warmth of ur piss cools u down
Don't think about the fact that you're playing in a different situation. Just relax, and think about the way you play normally.
Just be your self thats wat my teacher allways tell me!!!
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