Saturday, July 31, 2010

Any advice on how to beat the post Olympic blues?

I know as soon as the Olympics ends, I'm going to feel like a porn star without his d**k. Any suggestions how to occupy my time when the festival of fun ends?Any advice on how to beat the post Olympic blues?
I'm sure watching Boris Johnson balls up whatever he has to do at the closing ceremony while offending 1 billion Chinese at the same time will keep your spirits up in the short term. Any advice on how to beat the post Olympic blues?
How about protesting in China;

BEIJING (AP)—Two elderly Chinese women who applied to hold a protest during the Olympics were ordered to spend a year in a labor camp, a relative said Wednesday. Police later squelched a pro-Tibet demonstration.

The women were still at home three days after being officially notified they would have to serve a yearlong term of reeducation through labor, but were under surveillance by a government-backed neighborhood group, said Li Xuehui, the son of one of the women.

Li said no cause was given for the order to imprison his 79-year-old mother, Wu Dianyuan, and her neighbor Wang Xiuying, 77.

“Wang Xiuying is almost blind and disabled. What sort of re-education through labor can she serve?” Li said in a telephone interview. “But they can also be taken away at any time.”

cherish those blues for that is what makes the olympics so special and when they do come around 4 years from now you'll remember that if it weren't for those blues you had after the olympics 4 years prior the elated happiness you feel wouldn't have that same special luster that something tha only comes around every 4 years can bring.
countdown to winter olympics!!! that's what i did when the winter olympics ended (counted down to beijing)

or you can play outside
Get the DVD and watch it over and over until the Winter Olympics.
I could lend you a pair of my crotchless knickers!
get a life
like you said become a pornstar and get a di*ck
take up a sport

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