Saturday, July 31, 2010

Can anyone give me any advice on how to ease morning sickness which seems to last all day?

I am 7 weeks pregnant and I am having horrible nausea all day. It is worse in the morning but goes up and down all day. Food used to help but I am finding it increasingly hard to eat. And I can't face anything with ginger, which I have been told helps. Does anyone have any good tips for easing things?Can anyone give me any advice on how to ease morning sickness which seems to last all day?
I've got pretty bad morning sickness this pregnancy too (comes and goes throughout the day, but mostly worst in the morning). I've been told Peppermint tea is supposed to help, but I haven't tried it yet. I force myself to eat cereal in the morning and that helps a little...Can anyone give me any advice on how to ease morning sickness which seems to last all day?
If you can't do ginger, try some Sprite and soda crackers. Avoid anything citrus, as that may upset your stomach more. If you take medication, avoid that until you have something in your stomach, as it may also upset your stomach.

I know it is hard to eat, but that will help it. You may have to force it down, especially in the morning. Try something like toast with butter only, or an english muffin. Something that will absorb any extra liquids in your stomach and settle it down.

If nothing works, and your nausea won't go away, call your doctor. They might have some ideas that can help you, or they might prescribe something.
I couldn't stomach ginger either. You just have to find what works best for you. I tired almost everything and nothing seemed to work, just give it time.

Keep your self hydrated, Gatorade, water with lemon and eat small snacks all day long. Plain almonds (not roasted or salted), crackers, mild American cheese, toast and usually an apple or peach seemed to be easier on my stomach then others.
You could try Ginger tea, Ginger Biscuits Eat some plain or salted crackers before you get out of bed, You could also try buying the nausea wrist bands, Could try relaxing and drinking plenty of fluid, But i don't think there is a lot you can do,. Try talking to your GP to see what he/she thinks. Good luck
unfortunately nothing really helps. But the knowledge that it will ease at around 14 weeks may help slightly. It is a horrible feeling. Try the travel sickness sick bands as this may relieve it during the day. Also do try and eat as keeping your sugar and hunger levels constant helps too.
It's hard but try to eat a few bites of something every half hour. some dry cereal, half a granola bar, etc. take it easy on the water. when you wake up during the night make sure you eat then too. my doctor told me to do this (he doesn't prescribe the pills for it) and it really worked. eat fruit to stay hydrated. good luck.
Go get some motion sickness pills, they are safe and small. They are on the list of things from my OB to take while experiencing morning sickness and they work. Don't get the big chewable ones though.

Also, foods high in protein help and drink gatorade. A few sips every 10-15 minutes at first.
I know its not the healthiest drink, but carbonated drinks especially the clear ones like Sprite, really helped me . When i felt like throwing up i would drink sprite and the urge went away. Maybe you can try it. Just a few sips at a time, since the sugar is not all that good
For me I found that just having plain crackers helped me heaps or the other one was dried apricots which i just kept a packet with me all the time, mostly though I just had to wait it out. Morning sickness for me was from about 6 - 13 weeks.
First of all, congratulations on your pregnancy!!

My ';morning sickness'; lasted all day long as well. The only thing that worked for me was to nibble on Saltines and sip on Gatorade all day. Hope you feel better soon! :-)
I was told to eat a few saltine crackers. I think they have something called Pregnancy Pops too. I'm not really sure because my morning sickness wasn't that bad.
Why not try some medicine?

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