Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Does anyone have advice on how to make myself sing higher?

I'm a female who can't sing very high, yet I can't sing very low either. Does anyone have advice on how to make myself sing higher? My voice is still developing, but I think I'll always be stuck in the middle. Is there any tricks that I don't know of to make myself sound higher? (I might be eventually trying out for a soprano part in a musical, and I can't reach some of the notes.) If it's not possible at all, that's fine. Just somebody let me know please! :DDoes anyone have advice on how to make myself sing higher?
There is no quick and easy way to expand your range in a healthy manner. I teach voice myself and I can tell you that ranges expand as a person gets older and through careful, guided practice with a qualified teacher. A good teacher will put you through exercises and give you repertoire that will allow your range to expand naturally and healthily. I don't know how old you are, but the voice will go where nature intends for it to go no matter what you do. However, on a brighter note, oftentimes notes that seem unattainable are merely out of reach because of poor singing posture, poor breath support and poor vowel formation. These things are the basic fundamentals of singing and are easy to correct with lots of practice. My advice is to either try out for a more attainable part or just rewrite the vocal line to accomodate your present range.Does anyone have advice on how to make myself sing higher?
do alot of diaphragm exercises.
It's perfectly fine to be a second soprano. I understand how this could be quite depressing because their are not many solos written for them, but the world needs more good second sopranos.

If you really wish to expand your range, talk to a teacher about range exercises.
wear tighter pants
I would find a voice teacher who can help teach you to sing properly making the most of your existing range and perhaps expanding it. I did it and can hit higher notes much more comfortably than I could before. Good luck :)!
I agree with the other voice instructor, but would add that the two most common reason singers have trouble singing in the higher range is lack of breath support, and closing off at the throat. To develop breath support, try hissing sharply and sustained for progressively extended lengths of time (4 counts, 8 counts, 12 counts, 16 counts.) To prevent closing off the throat, don't stress out so much about singing higher. Don't be afraid of the sound that might come out of your mouth. Your voice might crack. Big deal, let it! Find out where in your range that might happen. Experiment.
be re-born with a new voice box

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