Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Can anyone give advice on how to fix a photo where the flash has been reflected in a mirror behind subjects?

Three people standing in front of a fireplace with mirror above it. The flash has been caught just over one of their shoulders.Can anyone give advice on how to fix a photo where the flash has been reflected in a mirror behind subjects?
Use your clone tool set to about 5% opacity and get rid of the glare by ';coloring'; over the white spot with a clone from part of the mirror that does not have glare. You have to accept that you would not be able to makeit perfect, but just keep going over and over until it is less objectionable.

You MIGHT have a lucky situation, though, where there is a blank wall behind YOU that shows up in the mirror and you can just clone the blank reflection into the flash spot on the mirror.Can anyone give advice on how to fix a photo where the flash has been reflected in a mirror behind subjects?
Good luck. It's better to use a low opacity and go slowly. Don't forget to save the original in case you have to go back adn start over. Do this by saving your new version as ';[whatever]01'; or something.

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Dr.Sam has the right idea. I am no expert, but even I can tidy up images using the cloning tool.

Good luck!
Use a selection tool to cut out the people and then place them against any background. You could photograph the same scene without them in it and paste them in.
you have photoshop?

I assume its digital? If your talking about film then. . .phs. .. i dont know.

I would copy the picture and on the copy I would zoom on to the spot where the light is. I would mess with brightness and contrast and if needed I would use curves. it might be able to get some of the bring gray matter close to what I wanted but the white would still be there. Anyway, I would copy the portion of the picture I changed for the better and I would layer it on the original, and mess with it from there.

Actually I personally would make 2 copies and mess with them; that way if I screw up I never touched the original.
It's very tricky and I have never successfully mastered it. There's a lot of fiddling with Brightness and Contrast controls and then you have to clone the mirror surface to patch in the bright blob in the middle.

If it's possible, you should get the three people back together again and light them evenly then switch off the flash and take it that way.
Simply, break the mirror down!
make a new photo

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