Thursday, August 19, 2010

Can anybody give me advice on how to make my business grow?

( Gift Shop) I need great advice on how to get more customers, retain customers and keep them coming back for more?Can anybody give me advice on how to make my business grow?
word of mouth advertising, maybe a point card system to keep them coming back?Can anybody give me advice on how to make my business grow?
Have you heard of gorrila marketing? There is tons of literture out there on gorrla marketing. It is a guide on how to advertise for free without spending lots of money. It helped me out and I know it will help you out. Just remember when you have a business it takes money to make money ok Good Luck.
without knowing much about your location or your customer base, here are some generic ones that may work well for you.

Postcard mailers to surrounding businesses and/or residences.Have a professional service do it for you, (its tax deductible) Ameritech has many publications (for a fee) listing all sorts of useful info. Also birthdays are probably on someones available listing. Ask customers if they'd like to be on a your mailing list, or emailing list featuring monthly specials or gift ideas. Start starting relationships with your customers. It works.
take the list of your current customer base. send them thank you cards...ask them for referrals. word of mouth is free and the best medium for advertising. offer your regulars some benefits for helping you grow your business. such as: frequent flyer miles, in your case, with each purchase you stamp their card to get somthing free next time. this hair cut place does this around my place. go and shop your competition. find out by observing what they do that you dont, you can run some inexpensive ads in the green sheet. make yourself a free website. make up a survey card for your customers. ask them who and when some one in their network will have a birthday, wedding, anniversery. then, you can call them a week befor from your tickler file. saying, Hi Betty! This is Wilma from ABC florists, i am just calling to remind you that you indicated Barney has a birthday this month...Betty, did you want to get him flowers or a live plant? Bye the way, you are on my frequent customer program, so that will help you save an additional 10% on this purchase! Who else has a special situation this month? got it? try these.
Gotta have the right stuff !
i don't know any kind of business you talked, just try to be clear for your costumer, let them feel that them satisfaction is your aims, not money, give them the possibly offer, and put good staff, i mean people know how the can deal with all, with big smile in them cute faces.
Get a web presence
advertise, run weekly specials in a local newspaper or something like that, do a drawing once a month for customer that shop there and either do a cash drawing or a drawing for something redemable in your store.......good luck with your business
Yes - Expand your presence in the market.

An excellent resource can be found at:

Good Fortune to You.

(and don't quit! Keep on doing what you are doing!)
You can get customers thru word of mouth, advertising

Retaining customers by offering them specials or discounts of their next purchase

Try and remember their names and things they like , and those will be the one who will always come back
Market effectively. Website. Discount coupons. Be priced correctly compared to your competition. But the biggest, hugest, most important is be creative while meeting the needs of your customers.

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