Thursday, August 19, 2010

I need advice on how to get my newly adopted kittens to go potty in their litterbox!?

A few days ago I adopted two 8 wk old kittens. I introduced them 2 the litterbox, but one of them seems to use it now and then, but will also do his duties out of the box like on my bed...I love them both very much %26amp; have had many cats thru the yrs.. This is the 1st time I have had this problem. Right now I just confinded them to my extra bedroom along with water dish, food dish %26amp; litterbox; am I doing the right thing?? Please help!I need advice on how to get my newly adopted kittens to go potty in their litterbox!?
we got a kitten and she did the same thing. every day we put her in the litter box if we caught her we put her in the little seemed to work but also i heard that if u spray vinigar were they did their 'duties' then they wont do it there again but i donno u might give it a try....hope that helpsI need advice on how to get my newly adopted kittens to go potty in their litterbox!?
I was always under the impression that a cat's Food/Water should never be placed in the same area as the litter box. That could be one reason.
You also want to make sure the sides of the litter pan aren't too high for them to climb in without any trouble. Also I would try 2 litter pans.
Hmmm... 8 weeks... Oh I remember what I used to do. I had a couple of kittens that I raised with an eyedropper. I used to put them under a very large laundry basket turned upside down, to corral them while I was in class. I'd put newspapers on the floor under them, covering ample space, and put a small box (big enough for them but small enough so as to give them space) with cat litter in it, in with them. I'd also be sure they had plenty of water and fed them very well before I'd leave. When they'd poop or pee on the paper, I'd clean them up, save a ';sample'; and put down fresh paper, hiding the ';sample'; on or in the kitty litter.

It didn't take them long to get the idea. Once I was sure they wouldn't mess up the house or get hurt, I didn't use the laundry basket any more.
were they outside kittens that you brought in? were they allowed to be with mom till 8 wks? Did mom have litterbox issue?

my friend who rehabilitates and raises orphaned kittens does this.

When a kitten is mom-less and no one to teach them she uses there natural instinct to hide there waste.

Get a BIG dog crate. Borrow it or rent it. If you cant get that then a small bathroom or something.

Get a nice shallow litter box, no liners no artificial things. Start with dirt from outside.

Put some saved poopies in there and confine the kittens for about 2 days. Dont let them come out to play (if they are in the bathroom) and only out of the crate if you 100% watching them. After 2 days mix some dirt and clay litter. If they are doing well then about 2 days more you do all normal litter. Always clean the box every day. Put one saved poopy on the top of the litter.

After this time I would then let them out for periods of time but at night or when gone confine them. Do this for about a week. If you dont notice accident then let them out totally, if it happens again. Confine for some time again.

Suggestions, once you find a brand of litter you like dont change that drastically. New litters are often the cause of problems in the box. A new smell or feel or grain can really upset their normalacy. Also once you place you litter box you should not move this around on them. If you have 2 cats I suggest 2 boxs and keep the boxes as clean as possible. Some cats are very picky.
try keeping them in a restrictied part of the house and pu the litterbox with them. when to see one pooping or peeing, Bring it to the litterbox, and quickly. If you keep that up, It might learn to use tghe Litterbox. If not, look up ';how to potty train kittens'; on

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