Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Any good advice on how to study late at night?

I am not really a night person, but I am looking to work full time, plus go to college, so the only way to do it is to study late at night. So...any suggestions on how to better be able to stay up late and study?Any good advice on how to study late at night?
I used to do this and it took a lot of caffeine, which was fine for a month or two. Then I got sick. It's simple math: a lot of work + not enough relaxing/off time + lack of sleep + caffeine + poor dietary choices that come with working FT and going to college FT = lowered immune response.

So, I recommend to you not to follow my path. If you do not have at least 12 hours each day for yourself (this means sleep, shower, eat, relax, and similar), perhaps you should reconsider the whole FT work and FT school arrangement. Remember, your health is most important. If you are ill, you cannot do anything. So, take care of yourself first, and the rest will take care of itself.

Good luck!Any good advice on how to study late at night?
It's fun to study in groups late at night, just make sure they're not the type to fool around a lot %26amp; loose control, but still make sure you know them. If you have trouble finding a study group, you could study in your room with some nice steady calm music playing to keep you up.

But possibly you can ask someone to quiz you while you work, but don't get off task.

My aunt usually ends up recording herself talking about what she needs to remember, then on long trips she replays it, when she drives, when she sleeps, %26amp; when she eats. yes it drives others crazy, but she aced her tests with that term! :]

Good luck.
I say sleep early and wake up early before work and study then! Fresh brain! You will be way too tired at night to be studying.

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