Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Does anyone have any good advice about how to inexpensivly get rid of the occasional facial breakouts?

From time to time I get the unsightly, dreaded facial breakout and I have literally tried just about everything and I wondered if anyone else had a simple way to get rid of the problem before I have to break down and buy Proactiv. I would greatly appreciate any responses.Does anyone have any good advice about how to inexpensivly get rid of the occasional facial breakouts?
Use a preventative soap. Make sure to wash your face every morning and every night before bed. And proactiv is not that expensive. Think about it. You can get it from the infomercials for $20 and by the time you get done buying the other products to clear your skin you already wasted that much. NEWAYZ I bought proactiv when it was still like $60 to get rid of breakout that I had every now and then, and it works great. I also dont have to use it all the time, so it last forever. I mean it is a good investment. Oh well, wish I could have helped more.Does anyone have any good advice about how to inexpensivly get rid of the occasional facial breakouts?
What helped me was the herb Dandelion root. You can get it in either capsule or tea form at the health food store.

Also get as much sleep as possible.
I used pro-activ a while ago, but after a while it stopped working, and was just too expensive.

Now I just use a gentle face wash, and then I use Clean %26amp; Clear's Pers-Gel, it has 10% Benzoyl Peroxide which is the same strength a dermatologist would prescribe.

I've been using it for 2 years, and it hasn't failed me yet!
you can use spot treatments.

also, it's good to exfoliate at least once a week. find products, like this clean and clear acne control that help against acne.
try some unscented bath soap to wash your face and dont burst or sqeeze the bumps cuz it leaves marks. and try to keep ur face clean drink lots of water and use astringent !! if that doesnt work do to ur dermatologist
Go easy on sugar and sweets, I use Clearasil Ultra facewash in the shower every morning and dont have problem with breakouts anymore... May not work as well if you are a teen.
I use just plain old rubbing alcohol, works great, smells bad ,dont inhail the first few seconds especially if its near your nose, but I been using it since I was like 13 and I'm almost 30 now. if you dont like that try lemon juice or a dab of toothpaste , it will draw out any impurities
Toothpaste dries out pimples. I use it when I have the occassional breakout. It's pretty easy to just dab it on while you're brushing your teeth before bed and then wash it off in the morning shower. Otherwise, you don't have to buy the really expensive stuff to get good results. I use Clean %26amp; Clear products in the shower in the morning, and they work just fine. Some others mentioned drinking lots of water, which is also a great idea. You'll see the different in the mirror, and your nails will be shinier too. Also, if you don't already, remove makeup before you go to bed. Other than that, consistency is best, for whatever method you use. It's nicer to prevent a pimple than to try to get rid of it (or cover it) when it's already popped up.

Good luck.
I tried everything available in the stores, and on TV(pro-activ) and none of it worked. Now I use the cheapest antibacterial bar soap I can buy, and drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and my skin doesn't break out nearly as much as it used to
Stop worrying and drink a lot of water. (Don't kill yourself drinking THAT much though).

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