Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I need advice on how to train a puppy to go to the bathroom outside?

I don't know where to begin. I haven't gotten it yet but I will be getting it next week. I am very patient and willing to train it as long as it takes. Any advice greatly appreciated.I need advice on how to train a puppy to go to the bathroom outside?
With my dog (when he was a puppy) I would take him out shortly after he went to the bathroom. cheered him on so he would get to know the words ';pee pee'; and ';poo poo'; or ';outside'; and took him to the same place until he knew exactly what to do when i too him to that spot in my backyard.

every time he went outside i'd give him part of a treat (not a whole treat since he'd go several times a day of course)

even to this day he expects a treat when he poops. LOL.I need advice on how to train a puppy to go to the bathroom outside?
we have always crate trained our dogs with good results. 3 main times to go out are first thing in morning, after eating, and right before bed. it'll have to go out some in between also. there are some free down-loadable e-books on training at http://www.bestk9deals.com or also http://www.learndogtrainingsecrets.info

good luck!
Dogs usually go after they have finished their meal.So,its better to go with them outside right after their meal in order for them to follow the path going outside to poo or pee.
When I got my Dogs when they were Puppies I set a schedule which was Put them on their Harness and leash and take them out every 1-2 hrs or when the wake up from their nap or done eating and drinking, I would repeat the word Potty over and over on the way outside. I would take them to one area in the yard and keep saying potty. I wouldn't go back inside until they both went potty, very time consuming but well worth it. Just remember ech time they eat and drink is how many times you puppy is going to poo poo and pee pee. Also pay attention to the signs like circling and sniffing. Good luck and enjoy your new puppy!
I have always seemed to have amazing luck house training our dogs. I don't know if it's my methods or my dogs but here is what I do...

1) portion out their food and water. (they won't poop and pee if they don't have anything to let out... This is NOT the concept but the principal i am not saying to dehydrate and starve your dog!)

feed them on a schedule. they will tend to go to the bathroom shortly after wards. Timing depends on the size and age of your dog. puppies will need to go outside sooner than adults.

2)puppies and younger dogs will almost always have to go outside after they wake up

3)when outside, do not play and be affectionate with your dog until they have gone to the bathroom. they need to know that they are out there to do ';business';. praise them and give treats after they have successfully gone to the bathroom. It sounds gross but pooping does take more time but if you look at their anus often times you will have some notice of when they have to go.

4)if they do have an accident in the house soak and pick up what you can with a paper towel. if it's pee, i always put the paper towel out side where you want them to go to the bathroom and leave it there- in that way, you can some what help pick the area of your yard that it is okay for them to go to the bathroom in. If they have pooped in the house, pick it up and put it outside where you want them to poop.

5)the best way that i found to clean the soiled area is with a mixture of white vinegar and water. it's a natural cleaner. you will smell the vinegar for a while until it dries but it really helps to rid the smell of urine and help to keep your dog from going in the same spot over and over.

6)i have found it hard to break the use of the puppy pee pads. maybe others have had luck.
are u adopting or buying? lots of adopted dogs are already trained.

adopt a dog and make sure u fix it, millions of dogs are killed every year because they are unwanted and over population.
What ever you do don't use puppy pads it only teaches the dog that its ok to use the potty indoors.I always used a create to train my dogs and took them out at the same time every day as well as feeding them the same time every day. if your consistent it shouldn't take long..But puppy wont be perfect and he will have accidents just be patient.

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