Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tips and advice on how to become pregnant?

First off. I know, have unprotected sex. Im not stupid.

I just would like to know some different tips you may have. Positions,ect. My fiance and i are planning to conceive.Tips and advice on how to become pregnant?
If you haven't concieved after about over 6 months then maybe you should both go to your doctor to get checked out. It is normal for people to take anywhere from 1 to 12 months to conieve, but most of the time it takes around 3-6 months.

How is your diet and lifestyle, many things can contribute to fertility.

# Make sure your partner doesn't smoke and limits his drinks.

# Make sure he doesn't wear tight fitting pants or underwear.

# Make sure he doesn't have long and/ or hot showers.

# No baths.

# Make sure he is taking a daily zinc supplement.

# Make sure he is drinking enough water each day (about 30mL per kilo of body weight is minimum needed)

# Make sure he isn't under too much stress

# Getting some regular exercise just simple walking will do everyday or so

and for you

# Make sure you aren't stressed too much, this has a big factor for low fertility and miscarriage

# Drink enough water a day

# Make sure you aren't low in iron

# No smoking and limit drinks

# Exercise

# Having a good balanced diet full of fibre, fruit and veggies will always help and Limit saturated fats, high salt and sugar foods, foods high in additives

# ## I HIGHLY reccomend you buy some of this, i think this would benefit you a lot as well as it has been known to help with fertiliy and also regulate periodsTry taking some Maca Root Powder (you can get it in capsule form as well), this has been known to boost fertilityTips and advice on how to become pregnant?
If this is your first month I would say get an ovulation predictor kit and start it a few days after your period. Then when it is positive have sex regularly maybe even multiple times a day for about 4-5 days. If you do not get a positive make sure you have sex at least every other day. After sex try to lay on your back with you legs elevated for about 5 to 10 Min's. If you have been trying to conceive for a while then I would say its time to get a basal body thermometer and chart your temp every morning right as you wake up before you leave bed. There are websites were you can put your temperatures in and it will tell you when you are most fertile. Also watch you cervical mucus when it is wet or strechty and clear is when your most fertile also. But if this is your first few months I would try the ovulation kits first. Also start prenatals so when you are pregnant you already have your body prepared for the baby.
Make sure you eating healthy and exercising, that will help a lot.

Also you might want to start taking some folic acid vitamins that will help get your body ready for a pregnancy.. maybe even some prenatal vitamins.

And after sex, prop your legs up against the wall.. that will help get the sperm to swim faster to your uterus.
Track your Basil Body Temperature and use it to determine your highest fertility days. (3 days before you ovulate and 2 days after) It is a small window, but your chances are much higher to conceive then.

Then follow the advise of Aussi Mommy! She's right on!
google all the tips on ovulation but my best advice would be dont think about it as tryin just stop taking the pill and using doms and just have sex cos ur in love and enjoy having sex together. the stress of trying to concieve in itself can cause u not too.
when you are your fiance are done having sex, then put a pillow underneath your butt (so that your butt is higher than the rest of your body) stay like that for a while maybe 30 min to an hour
take your tempture first thing in the morning before you get up and if you have a low fever then you are ovulating.
track your cycles and find out wen you ovulate
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