Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Any good advice on how to take care of a Parakeet?

Yesterday we found him by our pool, just standing there. We think he was previously owned because his wings have been clipped and all he can do is flutter. We have never had a bird as a pet so we really have no idea what to do. He is our first bird by the way. He doesn't seem fully grown and hes like a canary yellow color with some white on his chest. We are not sure what species of parakeet he is exactly so we don't know how best to handle him. Because we found him stray, we are assuming that he flew from his original home or he was released. He's really skittish if you get to close to him and he is kinda jumppy. Please post some decent advice.Any good advice on how to take care of a Parakeet?
I used to have 2 parakeets..

to catch him if thats what u also need to do, get a big but light towel and throw it over him. He will get trapped under it and then were the little ball in the towel where he is scoop with ur hands to pick him up and hold him in the towel losely so that he can breath. Then ooeen ur hands as they are facing directly into the cage door and he will have no place to go but into the cage. They need 2 clean water re-fills a day and fresh food every morning. Cover thier cage with a towel at night. In the moring take it off. u will prob want to get some toys that hang in the cage and some other toys and stuff weere they can rub thier beek, just go to ur local pet store for more info. Also under the cage put newspaper in the tray becuase they will poop on it from thier ledges in the cage. Its really nice that u are giving this bird a home....But honestly we got rid of ours aftyer a year becuase the drove us insane!! they were alowed to fly around the house and stuff but stay in the same general area. They never stopped chirping and pooping alll over. So we gave them to a guy who bought them and he was a a brid colllector and must have had maybe 50 birds...

But if u have one then it will grow accustum to u. But u can always look online on how to take care of them or when u go buy suplies then ask the guy wwho helps u how and what to do.

Good Luck! :-)Any good advice on how to take care of a Parakeet?
All birds are loud, but parakeet's aren't that bad. They do like to chirp alot though.

Go to your local pet store and pick up a budgie/parakeet book and read up on them for better care and a better relationship. I used to have parakeet's when I was a teenager. You can teach them tricks and even a few words.

While at the pet store pick up parakeet pellets, not seed as it's not as healthy, some spray millet and a couple of toys. One with a mirror is great for parakeets, they love looking at themselves and chirping.

Like all birds they need a bath every other day to aid in preening and getting off oils that can come off our hands from handling them. They need some fresh fruit and/or vegi's every day. Because they're small birds, no more than a teaspoon of fruits and vegi's otherwise you'll have an overweight bird and that can cause health issues.

The greener the vegi the better. Such as broccoli, spinach, mustard greens, collard greens, romain lettuce (iceberg doesn't have any nutrients), celery and if you can find wild dandelions that haven't been sprayed with pesticides the leaves and stems should be well cleaned and cooked.

If you can find an aloe plant that hasn't been sprayed with pesticides a small piece that has been washed, once a week is good for their immune system.

All fruits are good but no pits or seeds should be eaten.

Birdy no no's


Teflon coated pans (if you have these make sure bird is not in the room)





Smoke of any kind, candles, inscence, cigarte, cigar etc.

House hold cleaners such as bleach, windex etc.

For easy cage cleaning pick up a bottle of Poop Off at the pet store. it works well on carpets, walls any where you got a mess from the little guy.

The cage should be big enough for two perches and some toys with still room to expand wings without hitting anything.
help the parakeet recover and let him flap his wings so he can learn to fly and give him food because as u said not fully grown yet.
They are LOUD !!!!!!!!!!!!!

give them to someone who already has like 50 of em and can tolerate the noise

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