Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I need advice on how to make home made tomato sauce?

I am really interesting in making home made tomato sauce, I have found recipes that are so so. Can anyone give me some tips on how to make it and how to store it and how long it can be stored before it goes bad? Thank you!I need advice on how to make home made tomato sauce?
My most simple tomato sauce for storing in the FRIDGE--


I use a Saute' Pan..placing in enough water to reach those BIG-rivets..

..I'll add a can of tomato paste..and simmer very hot..

..I'll add Blk. Pepper or a Cayenne Pepper..

I'll add a good size piece of butter--and let all of that simmer,,very hot(Covered)..

Next..I'll smash 4-cloves of peeled garlic..and dice that very fine..adding that..cover once more..


Now its a matter of keeping the HEAT..at a simmer..

I'll add some Burgundy Wine(about 1/2 CUP)..

The wine must cook for 30-minutes minimum..

At this point I have a thin sauce..

I must cook in the wine..and concentrate my sauce..


I'll add some Olive OIL..slowly..so as to just find a small amount near the Saute' Pan's edge..and simmer that together..


And at that point is all about thicknness..

I keep a supply of Jars..that I use for refridgerator storage..

I use a folded sandwich plastic bag as a SEAL--to be sure no rust forms for the long time I keep these JARS..I buy sandich bags just for that purpose..


Let the Sauce--cool--I use a funnel..and fill my jars..add the plastic bag seal..and screw shut..

This type of sauce is a great starting point for a more potent recipe..or a more thick--or even adding tomato chunks..


Tomato Paste

Bottled Water





Olive Oil




Really Cool--for a starting point.I need advice on how to make home made tomato sauce?
Fresh Tomato Sauce:

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

-------- ------------ --------------------------------

2 ounces Clarified butter

8 ounces Onions -- diced

2 cloves Garlic -- minced

48 ounces Tomato Concasse -- prepared

4 ounces Tomato Paste -- prepared

Salt and white Pepper -- to taste

1 tablespoon Basil -- chiffonade

1 tablespoon Parsley -- chopped


1. Sweat the onions and garlic in clarified butter until the onions are


2. Add the tomato concasse and tomato paste, simmer for approximately

20 minutes until the flavor has developed and the correct consistency

is reached.

3. Adjust the seasoning with salt and white pepper to taste, add the

basil and parsley.
Tomato sauce? Like the kind you would put on spaghetti? A good start is to de-stem and cut up some tomatoes, obviously. If you want it chunky, pulse it in the food processor for a moment, then throw it in a pan to saute. If you want it pureed, then leave it in the food processor longer. Cover it and let the heat take out all the moisture from the tomatoes. Add whatever spices you'd like. Don't forget some sugar! You don't want it sour. If you want to add meat to it, ground beef round is a good way to go. Cook it in a separate pan and add it to the pan of tomato sauce.

I've found the best way to store sauces is in a metal container, such as a pot or mixing bowl with saran wrap over the top. The metal keeps the sauce cooler so it doesn't spoil as quickly. After the sauce has chilled, remove the coagulated oil from the top so it doesn't go rancid.

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